of Conftieriee. 93 panes rpeakes onely of the firti kinde. As for things firangled and blood, he takes them to be thedeuilis foode:and for this caufe he approoues abfli- nence from them. Andwhereas Augufline faith, that it is a good thing to Epifas4 a abaaine from things offered to idols,though it be innecefiitie; he muff be Public.i m. vnderflood of the fittti kinde of Idolithytcs which are yetremaining in the idolremplesßill confecratedvntothem,andnot of the fecond,ofwhie.h the Apofiles law(as I haue faid)mufl be vndcrflood. Argunr.4. Ioh.a i. Chrift faith to Peter,(arsí4caus)feeetemy (heepe: that is, (as the word importeth)feede and rule my fheepe. erbrf; This feedingand ruling (lands not inmaking new laves, but in teachingand gouernìngthe Church ofGod accordingto the doh rive which they had receiued From Chrilt.And this actionoffeeding is afcribed to all Chriliians, Revel. 3.27. who cannot thereuponchalenge apower ofnr aking laws to the c6fcience. Argum.5.Iohe20. as myfather f nt me,fa lftna'you: but Chrifi was lent ofhis father not onely with power ofpreaching and minìftring theSacra- ments , but an with authoritieof comtnaundingand gluing iudgcn ent. enf. Ifthis kindofreafoningmay ftand,all theApoftles Thall be madere- deemers; for they were all Pent asChrifi was : and hewas fent not onely to preachthe redemption ofmankinde, butalfo toeffeft andworke the fame. Ifthis be abfurd,then it is a flat abufingofScripture togather from this fay- ingofChrift,that the Apoflleshad power of binding confcience becaufc he nad fo. It is true indeedethat there is a fimilitude or analogie betweene the callingofChrifl and his Apoftles; but it wholly Hands in thefe points. Chrift wasordained to his office before all worlds, and fo were the Apo files: Chriawas called ofhis fatherimmediately, and fo were they ofChrifir Chrifi was fent to the whole world, and fowere they : Chriti receiued all power in heauen and earth as beeing necefrarie for a Mediatour : and they receiued an extraordinarie authoritie from him with Inch a plentiful! mea- fure ofthe Spirit as was necefarie for the Apoflolical fun6lion.Laflly Chrifi was Pent euen as hewas man tobea teacherofthe lewd: and therefore he is called the miniflerofcircumcifion,Rom,i 5.8.and fo theApofiles are Pent by him to teach the Gentiles. Thus farre is the comparifonto be enlarged, and no further. And that noman might imagine that fame part ofthisre- femblanceHands in apower ofbinding confcience,Chrift hath put a fpeci all exception, when he faith, Goeteach all nations,teaching thê toobfcrue_ all things thst Thane cömandedyou,and not commandements ofyour owne. Argum .6. Rom.i 3 . whofoeuerrefif?eth thepower refifteth the ordinanceof God: and, they that ref(i flail receiue to their f lues iudgerent : and, ye mu/Ibe fubled not onelyfor rzratb,6ut alfofarcor.fcience[Ike. 4nf. Magiflracie indeed is an ordinance ofGod towhich weowe fubiethon, but how farte fubiee`li on is due there is the queßion. For bodie- and goods and outward conuerfa- tion, I graunt all:but a fubie5tionofconfcience to mans laws,! dense. And betweenethefe two there is a great difference; tobe fubieEttoauthotitiein corfienec,and to be frrbica to it for confcier'ce,as will be rnanifell ifwedoe but