94 ATtiltit butconfider thephrafeofthe Apoftle,the meaningwherofis,that vte muff performe obedience notoncly for anger,that is,for theauoidingofpunìfh. ment ,but alfo for the auoiding offinne,and fobyconfequent for auoidinga breach inconfcience.Novv this breach is not properly madehecaufe mans lavve is.negleóed,but becaufe Godslavve is broken vvhiehordainerh ma- gifiracie, and vvithall binds mens confciences to obey their ievvfull cos-st- mandements. And the damnation that is due vinomen forrefifiing the or- dinance ofGod , coinsnot by the tingle breach of magifirats commande- ment;but byatranfgreflionofthe lavv ofGodvvhichappoiatech magifirats and their authoritie. To this anfrver Papiffs replie nothing that is ofmo- ment.TherforeI proceede. Argum.y.tCor.4.axhat that Icome vntoyou with arod, or iv the fpirit ofineek,ses? Novv this rod is a judicial povverofpunifhingCnners.Anf, For the regiment and protection ofGods Church,there be tvvo rods menti- onedinScripture: the rodofChrifi, and the Atoflolicall rod. The rod of Clara isrearmed a rodofyron,or the rodofh r morarh;and it lignifies that ab_ foluteand foueraigne povver vvhich Chriti bathouer hiscreatures, vvherby he is able to convert and faue them,or to forfakeand defiroy them . And it is apeculiar priuiledge oîthis rod,ro finite and vvound the confcience. The Apoflolical rodvvas acertaineexcraordinarie povver vvherby God inabled toplauge and punifh rebellious offenders vvichgreiuous iudgements,not in theire íöules but in thcirc bodiesalone. With this rod Pauli vote Elimas blinde, and Peter Emote Ananias and Saphiravvich bodslydeath . And it may be that Paul by his povverdid giue vp the incefluous man , vvhen it vvasexcommunicate,to be vexed in his bodie and tormentedby the deuil: but that by this rod theApofiles could finite confcience,it can not beproo. ued. Argum.8.t.Tim. 3. Paul made a lavve that non hauing tvvo vviues fhould beordained a ßifhop:novv this lavv is pofitiue and Eclefìaflicail and binds confcience... n!Paulisnot themaker ofthis lavv,but Godhicnfelfe, vvho ordained that in marriage not three but tvvo alone fhould beone flefh: and that theyvvhichCeltic atthealcaroftheLord,fhouldt be holy.And togrante that this lavv vverea nevv lavvc betide the vvrictcnvvord ofGod, yet Both it not follovv that Paul vvas the makerofit:becaufehe vied not to deliver any doórine to the Churches but vvhich he receit.edofthe Lord. Argum.g. Luc.io.Hearhmchhetrethyot+hearethme. toil'.Thefe vvords properlyconcern theApofües,and doe not in likemanner belongto Paff. ours and teachers oftheChurch. And the endeofthrfe vvords is not to confirme any Apoflolicall authoritie in making lavvestothe confcience; but to fignifiethe priuiledge vvhich he had vouchfa fed them above all o- thers,that he vvound fo farrfoorth affifithemvvich his fpirit,that they fhould not erreor be deceiued inteaching andpubli(hing the doeirine offaluatio, though othervvife they vvcre finnefull men: according to Math.' oit isPlat 103 the/pi, 6.9t thefpirit ofmyfather which f eitketh its you. And the pro- mile