ofCori itnce. Mire to betcd into all truth,wasdime-fedvntothern. Argunao. t.Cor.i I.Iprarfe yon thatyou keepemy corrnasadcmentJ, Anf. Paul deliuered nothingofhis owne concerning the fubnanceof the doct- tineoffaluation and the worfhip ofGod,but that whick he receiued from Chrifi. The precepts heremeant arenothingellebut rulesof decencie and comely order in the congregation:and though they were tobe obeied, yet Pauls meaningwas not tobinde anymans confcience therewith . For of greater matters he faith,This ¡f cakeforyour commodsrie, aidnot to intalle yen in as f sre. t.Cor.7.3 Argum.t t.Councelsofancient fathers when they commaunde or for- bid any thing,doe it with thrcatningofa curfe to the offenders. e4'nf, The Church inmouner timevied toanne*e yntohit Canons the aide anal' helm, becaufe things decreed by them were indeede , or atthe lean thought to be the will and wordeofCod: and they bad refpe&in the fayingofPaul, Ifa- ny teach othertvife though hebe anangel from heauen,lct himbeaccurfed. Therfòre Councels in this acttion were no more but inaruments of God to accurfethole, whome he fitnhadaccurfed. .Irgum.t a.Anac`tindifferent ¡fit be commanded,ismadeneceffarie: & the keeping ofit is thepra&ifeofvertue,thereforeeuveylawe binds confsi- ence to a time. An/. Ana& in it felfeindiferent beingc5manded by mans law, is not made limply neceffarie, for that is as much as Godsiawdc:th or candoe)but onelyin me part,that is, fo farr foorth as the (aide a&or adion tends tomaintaine and pteferue thegood ende for which the lawe is made. And though the aóótion be in this regard neceflàrie;yetdock it fldl remaine indifferent , as it is considered in it t"elfe out ofthe end ofthe lawe:lo as if Peace, the commongood, andcomely order maybe maintained and all of. fence auoidedbyany other meanes,the asmay be done or not don with- out finne before God.For whereas God himfelfebath giucn libertie and freedorne in thevie of things indíf&renr, t he laweof man doth not take a- way the famebut onely moderate and order the oucrcounnon vfe of it for the common good. Argum. 13. The fcanoflent nands'oy a lave and commandment' of men : and this lavvebinds confciencefimply: forthe ancient fathers haue called it aTradition Apoffolicall,and make thekeepingofit tobe neceffary, andthe not keeping out a finne, andpunifh theoffenders vvith escomuni- cation.A f It is plaine to him that vvill not be obflinate,that Lent fall vvas not commanded in the primitive Church ,butvvas freely at mens plefures, and.in feuerall Churches diuerfiyboth in fegard offpace oftime,as alfo.iu refpesrt ofdiuerfityofsn ates.Ireneus in hisepiale to Vióttorcitedby Eufebi- Exrir.tib.5.zs. tisfaith,:'were bane thoawwhttbat theytnn ffto,r.day fwetwoAries,forheaflore, fnne4o,':oures dayandnight,whíchdrr:erftteoff tfttär, co mendeth tbevnstre so2pmsb.7. offnith.Spiridionagood man did care f1efh inLent, and canCeti his guefi to cap.iv doe the laencoand this he didvpon iudgement, becaue he vvas perkvadrd out oîGedsvvor e.,thatrothe:cleaneallthirrgsv°vcrcarane:AndEufebius Exfhc.c.se. record;:s, 95