Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

96 A7"rerttifi, tecotdes, that Montanus the hereticke was the fire that pre fcribed f- lemne and fetlawsoffa(ling. And wheras this faflis called Apoflolicall tra. dition,it is nogreat rnatter,forit was themannerofthe ancient Church in formertimes totearme rites and ordersEel(aflicall not let donne in Scrip- tures Apoflolicall orders , that by this mcanes theyought commend them to thepeople: as lame tefliheth , Every Province (faith he)nnay rhikke. the euleran.epifl, conßrtuiionsoftheaunceflourstobeApoßelicalllaws. And whereas it is Paid to r mto be a finne not to fall in Lent(as Augufline eaketh is not b U fP l `it y reafon ofa- "Insp.61 ny commandement binding conference, for Augufiine faith plainly , that 0,86. neither Chrift nor his Apories appointed any let time offa!fing:andChry- chry/ofi.on foflome that Chril+newcomtnaundedvs to follow his far: but the true ¡1',n.47. reafon hereof is borrowed from the ende . For the PrimitiueChurch vied not thePopifls fall , which is toeatewhittneate alone, but an abflincnce from all meatsvfed fpecially towortifie the flefh and to preparemen be- fore hand to a worthy receiuiugof the Eucharift. And in regardofthis good ende,was the offence. And whereas it is faid,that attncicnt fathers taughta nece(litieof keeping this fafl,cuen Hierome vvhome they alleadge to this purpofe faith the contrarie. For confuting theerrour ofMonranus who had FIieron apt his let timeoffal+to be kept of nec.fíìtie, he faith, wefall toLent according loth: Apoflles traditionas in a t imemectefor vs:andwedoeitnot , as though it :rror.ntont. werenot la vfullfor vs tofaf! in the refi oftheyeareexcept Pentec ,? :but it is one thing todoe arhingofneceffitie,and an other tooffer agift offreewil1.Laflly, ex. communication was for the open contempt ofthis order taken vein the Church,which was,that men fhould fall beforeEarer far their further hu- miliation andpreparation to the facrament.So the 29canon ofthe Coun. till ofGangres rnu(l be vnderflood. As for the Canons of the Aporles (îo falfly called)and the 8..Councill ofToledo,Imuch refpeet not, what they fay in this cafe. erfrgum tq.. Godsauthoritie binds confcience: magifirats authoritie is Gods authoririe;therefore magi(}rats authoritic bindsconfcience properly. Ánf.Gods authoritiemaybe taken two waits:firfl for that foueraigne and abfolute power which he vfethouer all his creatures:tècondly for that finit and limited power which he bathordained that men fhonld exercife over men . Iftheminor,namely that magi(irats authoritie isGods authoritie, be taken in the firíl fenfe,it is falfe:forthe foueraigne power ofGod is incom- municable.lfit be taken in the fecond retire, the propofrion is falle. For there be fundrieauthorities ordained ofGod,as the authoritie ofthe father oucr the child,ofthe mailer ouertheferuant,the authoritie ofthe mailerotter his fcholler,whichdoe notbinde inconfcience as theauthoritie ofGods lawes doth. By thefe arguments which I hauenowe anfwered andby many other beeing but lightly skanned, it will appease that neceffarie obedience is to beperformed both to ciuil & Ecele(iallical iurifdi&ion:but that they hauea cone+rainingpower to binde confcieneçand that asproperlyas Gods laws doe