Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ofCo»fcierace. 97 doe, it is not yet proeued, neither can be ; as I will makemanifeft by other arguments. Argum. I. He that makes a law binding confcience to mortal! finne, bathpower,ifnot to faue,yet todeftroy : becaufè by finne, which followes upon the tranfgreüìonofhis law comes death anddamnation. But God ìs the oncly Lawgiuer that bath this priudedge ; which is,after he bath giuers his law, vpon the breakingor keeping thereof,to faue or dcfiroy,Iam.4.1 2. 7hereisone Langsuer that can fame orde/Iroy. Therefore God alone makes laws binding confcience properly , and no creature can doe the like. An_ fvver ismade that Saint lames fpeakes ofthe principali Lawgiuer, that by hisownc properauthoritiemakes laws, and doth in fuch manner faueand dearoy, that he neede riot feare tobe dclroiedof any: and thathe fpeakes not of fecondaric lawgiuers that are deputies ofGod, and makelaws in his name. I fay againe that this anfwerfandsnot with thetcxt. ForS. Iames fpeakes firnply without diftinEtion,limitation,orexception: and theeffe& ofhisreafon is this. Noman at all mull dander hisbrother, becaufe noman muabe iudge ofthelaw: and no man can befudge ofthe law, hccaufe no man canbe a law;iuer to faueor deflroy. Now then where be thofe per- Eons that !hall make lawes to the foulesofmen , andbinde them veto pu- nifhmentoftnortailfinne; confidering.that God alone is the fauing and de- lroying Lawgiuer. Argum. 2. He that can make lawsas trulybinding confcience as Gods lawes,can alfoprefcribe rules ofGods worfhip: becaufè to hind thecorifci.. ence is nothing elic but tocaufe it to excufe for things that atewell done, .and therefore trulypleafe God; and to accule for finne whereby Cod is di. (honoured: but no man canprefcribe rules ofGods worfhip; andhumane !awes as theyarehumane iawcs,appoiiit not thefruiceofGodE1a 29.13. Theirflare towards mew' taHHZhtby theprecept ofinen. Math .1 5:6. 7hey war_ ,Jhipme invain teachingdolrimeswhich are the comma jdeme;its o fmen.Papi(ls herewake anfwer,that by !awesof men .ve mua vndetfland' loch !awes as be vnlawfull or vnprofitable becing made without theauthor:ìeof Cod; or in(iin6ì ofhisfpirit. It is true indeede that there conmrnatm ernents ofnicn were vnlawfull: but the caule muabe conldered; they were vnlawfullnot becaufethey commanded that which was vnlawfuli and againft the will of Çod,but becaufc things in themiélues lawful! were commanded as partsof Gods wor(hip. Towall the outward partof the cuppeor platter, and to Matth,13.,s. wafh handsbefore meate,are things inrefpeaofciuill vfe very lawful!, and yet are thele blamedbyChrili,and nootherreafon can be rendered but this; thattheywereprefcribed not as things indifferentorcieil,but as matters per ,tainingto Gods woríhip. It is not againft Gods word in forme politicks re- gards tomake diaindìonsofineates, and drinks, and times yet' Paul calls thefe things doElrines ofaem:llr, becaufe they were commanded as things wherein God fhould be worfhipped. Argot.. 3.. God hath now indicnew Tcf}amentgin n a libert.ieto the con-