Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

98 A7reitti confcience,wherebyiris freed from all lawes ofhis owne whatfcreuer, er, cepting fuch lawes and do6trines as are neceffarie to faluation, ColotT. 2.1 o. Ifye6ede.dwith Chrif,yearefreefrom the elements of theTvorld. Gal. 5.1. Standyeein the t 5bcrtie wherewithChrrfirh.:thfreedyoh acrdbeaos aoarncinta`.gd ledwith theyokeof6ond rge.Now,ifhumane 'awes made after the Brante of thislibertie,bind confcience ofthem felues,thenmut$ they either take away theforefaidelibertie, or diminifh the fame; but that they cannon doer for that which is grauntedby an higher authorrric,namelyGod himfeifc , can not be reuoked or repealed bytheinferiourauthoritrcofanyman.Itisan- fwered,that this freedome is only from the bondage ofPinne, from the curie ofthemoral) lawe,from the ceremonial) and iudiciail laws ofMoles, and not fromthe laws dour fitperiours. And 1 anfwereagaine,that it is ab- fund to thinke that Godglues vs libertie in confciencefrorn anyofhisowne lawes,audyet will haue out confciences Rill to r,maine iu fubiecuion to the laves offinnefull men, Argum.q..V4 hofoeuer binds confcience , commandes confcience. For thebonde is madebya commandement caging confcience to doehis dutiie, which is to accule or excufe for cuill or well doing. Nove Gods laws com- maund confcience in as much as theyare fpiritual,commanding body and fpirite, with all the thoughts, will,afrcíions,defres,and faculties,and requi- ring obedience ofthem all according co their kind. As for the !awes of men,they want power to commande confcience.lndeede¡fit werepoffblc for our gouernours by lawe tocommande !,tens thoughts and affamions, then alío might theycommande confcience: but the 1rti is not potlïble, for theirlawes can reach nofurthertlien to the outward man, that is ro body &goads,with the fpecches anddeeds thereof:a.nd the endofthen, all,is nor tomaintaine fpirituall peace ofconfcience, which is betweene man and god,hutonely,that external) and ciuill peace which is between rnar & -ma. e -4adit w.ere not rneetc that men fhould commaund confcience, which cannot feeconfcieneeand iudge ofall hir ac`fions,which appease nor out- vvardly,andvvherofthere be novvitncffes, but God and the confcience of the doer.Laflly,menarcnot fitte commandersofcorrtcicnce, becaufe they are no Lordsofit, but Godhimfelfe alone. Atgum. S. Men in makinglavves are lubie& to;inoranceand erratic .& therefore.vvhen they haue made a lavve(as nears as poffiblethey can) a- greable to the equitieof rods lavve, yet can they not attire rhemsêlues and other -s thatthey haue failed in no point orcircurnftance. Therefore it is again realon that humane lavvs bed-rig lobleei todefeas,faults,errou{s, andmanifold imperfections,fhould truly blade confcience, as Gods lavves doe,vvhich arethe ruleofrirhtcoufites. gaterooursin thevvorlde,(by reafon that co their old"lavvs,they are confirained so putrellrieftiions, ampli- ations,r; odificationsofallkindes,vvirhnevve readings & interpretations) vpon their daily ex crience fee and acknovvcleIgethis to be truevvhich 1 fay,fauing the l3ifgop ofRomc(fo falfly teat;necd)vvbtichperfvvads himfclfe to