to hauewhenhe is in his confflorie, fuch an infallible affiflaneeofthe fpi- rit, that he cannot poulìblyerre in iucigement. Argum.6. Ifnrens laws by inward vertue bindcs confcience properlyas Gods laws, then our dutie into learne,fludie,and remember them) as well as Gods laws, yea Minillersmull bediligentto preach thern,as they aredi- ligent in preaching thedoelnneofthe gape!: becaufe eueryone or them binds to mortal! finne,as the Papifls teach. But that they fhould betaught ..and learned as gods laws, it is aloft abfurd in the judgementofall men,Fa- .pifls chef-lit-clues nor excepted. Argum. 7. Inferiour aut hotitie can not binde the fuperiour: nowe the courts ofmen and their authoritie are vnder confcience. For God in the .heartofeuery man bathereeled atribunallfeate,and in his Bead he bath placedneither Saint norAngel,nor anyothercreaturc whatfoeuer,butcon- tcience it felfe, who therefore is the higheft Iudge that is or canbe vnder God;bywhole dire6ion allócourts are kept,and laws aremade. Thus muchof thePopish opinion: by which it appeares that oneof the prin cipall notes of Antichrill agrees fittely to the Pope of Rome. Paul, 2. The fii.2 makes it afpeeiallproperticofAntichrifito exalt himfelfeagainft or aboueall that is called God, orworfhipped. Nowwhat doth the Pope elfe,whenhe takes vpon himauthoritie tomake filch laws as (hall binde the confcience,as properly and truly as Godslaw& and what doth he elfe, when he aft rides co himfelfepnwer to freemens confciences from thebond offoci) laws ofGod, asare vnchangeable; as may appeare in aCanonofthe Council ofTrent: the wordes are thefe, If anyfhallfay,that theftdegreesofsep4.c4a. cof¡.tngleinitie which beexpve(ed 9n Levittc.r, doe only binder matrimonie to bemade, aárdbreabT u beer J made, and that the Church cannot difpenfe with pole ofthem or appoint that more degrees may hinder or breake marriage, la him be acts,' f d. O facrilegious impietie! confidering the laws ofaffinitie andconfanguinitie,Lev.a 8. are not ceremonial!,or iudiciall lawes peculiar .to the levees, but the very laws of nature. What is this Canon elfe,but a pub- like proclamation to the world, char the PopeandChurch of Romedoe fit as lords,or rather idols in thehearts and ccnlciences ofmen. This will yet more fullyappeare toanyman, ifwe read Popithbookesofpratlicalor cafe- diuinitie,inwhich the common manner is, tobinde confcience where God loofethit, and tolook where hebindes: but a declaration ofthis, requires long time. Now Icome(as neare as poflibty I can)to let downe the true manner, howmens lawes by the common judgement of Diuinesmay be faide to bindeconlcíence.Thatthis point may be cleared,two things muft behand- led. By what meanes they binde, andHew farte forth. Touching the meanes,l fet downe this rule. wholeforne!awes ofinen,made ofthings indtferent,fofarreforthbindconfcience by vertue o f thegenerall cam- mandementofGod,mbichordaineth theugiagftfarates authoritie: that nhofoe.. nerthallwitting!dud , tllnegly,withadtfloyallminde,either breakaf or omit fah G j !acres,