14wes,4guiltir offiNple before God. Bywholefonie laver, I vnderfland fuchpofitiueconflitutions, as are not a. gainf} the lawofGod,andwithall tend to tnaintaine the peaceable eflate and common goodofmen. Furthermore I addc this claure, made ofthings indsfferent,to note the pe- culiar matter whereofhumane laws properly intreat:namelyfilch thingsas are neither expreffelycommanded orforbidden byGod. Now fuck kindeoflawes haue no vertueor power in thern(elues to con.. flraine confcience, but theyblade onely by vertue ofan highercomman- dement. Let emeryfoule befrbietI to the higherpowerr, Rom. z 3. i.or, onour father and wother,Exod.to. which commandements bind vs in conli.ience toperforme obedience to the good lawes ofinen. As Saint Peter faich,Sub. mityi. itfelues toemeryhasmane ordinance for the Lord. i .Pct. a. i 3.t ha t is,for confcience ofgod,as hefaithafterward,v.l g.wherbyhe figoitietb twothings: firflthat God bathordained the authoritie ofgouernours, fecondly that he . hath appointed inhis word,and thereby bound men inconfcience toobey their gouernourslawful' commandements. Ifthe cafe fall out otherwile, as commonly it cloth, that humane lawcs be not ina. ed ofthings indifferent, but ofthings that be good in thefelues, that is, commanded byGod, then are they nothumaneproperlybutdiuine lawes. Mens lawes intreating ofthings thataremoralygood,and thepartsof Godswori up,are the fame with Gods lawes: and therefore bind confcience, notbecaufe theywere inacled bymen,but becaufe they were fiat madeby God: men beeing no morebut inflrurnents and minitlers in his nameco re. ulue,renew,and toput inexequution fuch precepts and lawes as prefcribe the worfhip ofGod,flanding in the pra6hie ofcruereligion andvertue.Of this kinde are all pofitiue lawes touching articles of faith, and theduties of themorali law. And the man that breakes fuch lawes finnes twowales, firfl becaufe hebreakcs that which is inconfcience a lawofGod, fecondly becaufe in difobeying his Iawfull Magiflrate,hedifobeies the general com- ntandcmentofGod touchingmagiflracie. Butifir (hall fallout that measlawesbe made ofchings that are euil and forbiddenbyGod,then is there no bond ofconfcience at all ; but contrari wife,men are bound inconfcience not to obey,A6t.4.19. Andherupon the threechildren are commended for not obeying Nabuchadnezzar, when hegane a particular commandement vnto them to fall downe andworfhip the golden image,Dan.3 Moreouer, in that mans law blocks not but by the aurhoritie of Gods law, hence it followes,that Gods law alone bath this priuiledge, that the breachofit(houldbea finne. S.Iohnfaith r.epifh.3.Sinneis the anomie,or, tranfÀrejlionofthe law,vnderflandìngGodslaw.When Dauid by adulterie and murder had offendedmany men,and that many waies,he faith Pfal 5 r, _gainfltbee, aáairsfl thee hauef finned. And Augufline defined finne to be fame thing laid, done, or defied againfi the law ofGod. Some man may fay,