Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

- LanicrenGC. i 1) lows, that no creature can haue power tovatic the bond ofan oath that is truly and lawfully an oath vnleffewe will exalt the creatures aboue God hirnfelfe. And, the Iewifh teachers gauc better counfell when theycoin nranded the people toperf.,rnre their oathes to theLord, for the preuenting of periurie , and our Sauiour Chria in that gainefàies their not, Match. 5 t wcxt let vs confider the time when an oathbindeth or bindethnot. An path :bindeth then, when it is made ofthings certen and poffible, in truth,iu4iiee,iudgenient,f ©r the glorie ofGod& the good ofour neighbor. e(rz.l, Whether loth an oath bintle confcience ifby the keepingofit therebillow lofles and hindrancesL.4rvflfit beofa thingthat is lawfull,and the damages be private tohim that fweareth, then loth it bind confcience. For example: Amanmakesa purchafe ofland at the fea fide: his bargaine is confirmed onely byoath: and it falls out thatbefore he doe enter poflern- on, the fea breaker in and çf rownes apart of that purchafe. Nowbe isin confcience to ii'aird tohisbargaine,becaufe the thing is lawfull,and theda- mage is private,andgreat reuerencc mull behadofrhename ofGod,which hath bin vied in the bargain making.Dauidmakes it the propertyofagood man, rofzeare t o feu owne hindrancean not to change,Pfal.15.4. Qsre(t. 11, Whether theoath which a man bath taken,beeinginduced thereto byfrau:dandguile,doth bindconfcience.Axf. Ifit be f}ill of a thing lawfull,andbring nothing but private loflcs, it is to be kept. When the 0- beonites had by a fraud brought lofua to make aleague with thern,andto binde it with an oath; he and. the Princes achepeople anfwerthem thus, weh:rrse fvornelvntothem 67 the Lord Godof IJ e1, non, thereforewe may not touch roes», IaC9. 19. And 300. yeares after, whenSaul flue certaineofthe Gibeonites againI this oath,thcplague wasvporrthe peopleofIliad three yeares, and was not [hied till certaine perfonsofSauls famine for arecom- pence were put tocleatli,z.Sar.x a .7. 414, I11. Whether anoath madeby fare or coinpulfion binde itr confcience.! or example: A thick! difappointedofthebootiewhichheloo- ked for,bindes the true man byfolewne oath vponpaine ofprefent death to fetch anddeliuer vnto him force portionofmoney, as one aoo, or zoo. crownes forthe redeemingofhis life. Well, theoath is taken, and the que- Ilionis; whether it binde him or not to performehis promife. An anfwer may be this; time b Prote1iant diuines thinke it doeth binde : force againe b1P.Mi . thinke `no : but I take it the fafea courte to holde the meane betweene both, on this manner. The oath feeines to binde, and is to beperformed : a1, neitheris it againß the good of the commonwealth(for then it were vn- Erb quæß.de lawfuU) but icis ratherafe;rtherancein that a in ernbcr thereof is preferued : iuram. and the loffes which follow are onely private to the roan, rather tobeen- `Calv.vp°ra dured then loffe of life. Yet that aremedie may be had ofthis private iniu- Ptal xg. rie,and that apublike mifchiefemaybe prcuented, the partie is to reueale the matter to the Magilirate, wholeoffice it is to punifh robbers and to G 4 order