ft r ivv 12 1 reats/e order all things according to equitie for the common good. But if the cafe fall out that the man through exceedingfeare doe further fweare tokeepe filence , I feenot how his oathmay be kept, except he be furethat nothing will enfue thereof,but a privatedorraagc to hirnifclfe. For othcrwife perpetual frieneefeemes to be a fecret confenting to the robber, and an occafion that others fall into the like danger and hazardoftheir hues. Againe, in fixecafes an oath bindes nothing at all. I. Ifit be madeofa thing that is flatte againa the wordof Çod. For all the powerofbinding whichit bath is by the wordofGod : and therefore when it is againft Gods will, it bath nopower to conflr+ne. And it is anold recelued rule, that an oath snuff notbe a bondofiniquitic.Hereupon Dauid whenhemade a rags oath to kill Nabal and all hishoufhold, reioyced when he had an occafion offered by Abigail tobreake the fame, t.Sam,z3.3 z. And thoughhe !ware toShemi,that he would facie his lif , a.Sam. x9.23. yet afterward vponbet- ter consideration (as it may feerne)hecommaunded his Conne Salomon to put him todcarh,as one that had long agoedefetued the fame. z.King.z.9, And Herodwas fare deceiued , that thought he was bound by Hs oath to giueto thedarnfell IohnBaptif}s head ina platter, :vlarth.t4,7., 1I. Ifitbe agaiofl the good and wholef lnelawsofanykingdomeorcuu>'rey,where- otamanis a member, it brndesnot t all: becaufe on the cot7trarieGods commande:ïjen'ebindesysto keepe the goeal laves ofmen. I I1. Ifit be made` by fbeh perfons as want fafñcient realon anddiícrctinn, as young childrernfooles,madde men. For theconfciencecannot indeedebe bound where the vnderfbanding can notdifcernc what isdone. I V. Ifit be made offuch as baue no pottier tobinde themfelues, is bindes not: becaufe it is b.Qaaittiban, made againilthe law ofnarure, which is,that b he which is not in his owne non eft obligate power cannot binde himCelle. Hence it follows, that Papiffs erre grofíely f nonpotefi. when they teach, that a childe` mayenter into any rule or orderofreligion, 'Bth r.lib.z.de yea bindhirnfelfe thereto by oath, and the oath to begood, flat a ainfi his Moscap.36' content.Num. 3©.4 . Irawoman vowvnto the Lord,andbind r el eb f.fr àbond,beeing inher f zthers houfe in the timeofberyouth, &c. v. 5. Ifherfather drfallowberthefameday that he hearethall her vowes andbonds, they¡haltnot be ofvalue. And an ancient Council decreed that all child>'enthat vponpretence_ coneil.Ga > »g. ofgods tvorfhipfbould depart (Port their parents, and not doe them duereuerence, raps 6 fl ottldbeacciírfed Secondly they erre in that they teach that the pronrife madepriaatefy bya child in wayof rnarriage,without and againff confer): orwife andcarefitll parents,-bindes them s whereas indeede ifthis promo e were further boundbyan oarh,it could not fand: becaufe childre vridergo- ucrnmerrandtuitionofparents,can not giue the rnfelues. V. Ir bindes not if-it be made ofa thing that is out oía mans power, as ifa man fwearetc. his friend to ghee him an other mansgoods. V I. Ifatthe fief} it were lawful!, and afterward by fame meanes become either impoflîbleor vnlaw=full, it binds not confcience. For when it becomes irnpofflble,then wemay fafely thinke that God from heauert frees a man Crone his oath. And when it be gins.