Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

of _ Toy gins to be.vniawull,then it ccafeth to binde, bccattfc the binding venue is cncly in and from the word of God. i or example: Aking bindshimfelfc by oath to a forraine Chttfltan Prince to finde him then and money todefend his people again(i all enemies. This oath is lawful!. Well , afterward the Prince becomes a profcßëd encinie to him , his religion, and people : and then the kings oath becomes vnlawfuil andbinds hint not : becaufe the word forbids that there fhouldbe any leagueofamidewith Godsenemies: though there may be leagues ofconcord with them. Seeinga lawful! oathniufl bindeconfcience, though aman be dcceiued and great loffesfollow, itfhewes in how great reuerencewe fhouid haue gods name, and with what care and con( deration take an oath. And by thiswe mull be 2dúettiîed to take heedeof caHomzble (wearing in our cô- eron talke, whether our oathcs begreat or fmall. We mull thinke of-an oath as apart ofGods worfhippt: nay the holy Ghofi often puts it for the whole worshipofGod.Era. z 9.1 8. Thaw day¡hall fluecitiesin the /.mdofE- gyptrficakethelatguageofCanaa:r,andballfixearcby the LIrdafhoßs, that is, acknowledge and worfhip him. lemma 2.26. f theymoll learne thezraiesof typeople,tofinarebymy Lord lttieth, then/hall they be built in the .,ntddefi ofm),people.This fcruesto(hew vntovs, that fuch as glue themfelues to (wearing, want religion and goodconfcience : and that thole families -in which there's rifenefleofoathes, abandon ail careof religion, and ba- nifh God out of their holes. And include it is a veryhard thing for the common (wearer to auo'ide common periutie. Ifwe fee aman holdevp hand at thebarreofanearthlyiudge,we picie him and arc ferie For him : oh then why doe we not pide blafphetnersand common (wearers. For with Godthey are no better then tebells,that hold vp theirhands at thebaneof his ittdgernentfeat as guilty malefaaours faith wed, 7hPy that rvbrfhip/locket anditones fesretoBrearefa1Çv6y (!ones,otdd'ot thóttSerrn.lG,sr notfcare God that isprejent,God that lrnetb, God that knott'eth, Godthat tdcth z orbit .apotRa retie, oofcontemners? ofbadctsflor,:c:>'hen t bonart beleened, thettfireareft: trl,cn noneregftires it,t bonfrvearefhandwhenwencarrot abide it, tbon ftrearrfl, Thus much ofan Oath :now follows a Promife,which is either to-Godor man: the firfi is called a vow, the fecond a (ingle-promifc. Avow is taken three wwies. First generally for a pramifeofmoralsobe- 4 10,02 dience :and this vow is FMmade in Baptilmc and continued in the Lords vowbinding, Supper,as alfoin the f;irituall exercifes of invocation and repentance. -lt is called ofPeter r ep ií1.3.2 t.the f ipulaticnwhicha goodcó ciea,cemakZes to God. . This kind ofvowbrides all and curry memberofthe Church ofGod. And the not keeping ()fit is the common (inne tithe world : for mofamen make not confcience toperforme that which they hauepromired to Gatlin Brptifine: and therefore their Baptifineis become vntu them theicrificeoj fc®les, Eccles. 4 17. But confideringwe are boundin confcience by this vow,lrt vs hereafterendeaumurto be as good as our word:andthat (hall be, when we begin to dieto our hones and rife to nevvncso(life. There is no: mane