-vv Z/l s 1643i1V' . man almof,but will feeme to hauecare to keepe touch with duet:: what a flame is it then for vs not tokeepe couenanc withGod. Againe,a vow is taken for apromife ofceremonial' obedience, whereof readNum.6.and 3 o.and Levir.z 7. This vow is peculiar to the oldTeHat r, anddid not bindallmcn,but onelymach ashad peculiaroccaí-ion to vow,and thereupon bound themfelues: as the Nazaritcs,ànd others. Thirdly, a vow is taken for the performance orio,rneoutwardand bodily exercifestakenvpofa mans ovine accord,as bcein;things in a taaanasowne Bettie, without any commandement of god: as thekeepingoffcttimes of faíl,ofprayingor reading, the performanceof fet taskes, alines gluing, ab_ kinence from certaine meates anddrinkes, in the vie whereof throughour owne weaknes,wefeare anyoccafion offinnc.And this kind ofvow ismore peculiar to thenewTeflamenr. In the makingofit,that it may bewatatatablc,foure thingsmufl beob. ferued: I. It muff be agreeable to thewordofGod. I I. It tnufl not be a- gainft a mans general' or particular calling. I II. It muff be in a mans pow.. er, and not againfl: chriflian libertie. I V. It mull be fo made and be ob.. feruedwithout any opinionof merit or worfhipof God to this ende alone, thatitmaybe ameanes toexercife and cherifh repentance and inuotation, temperance,patience,and to Phew fotth tharkfulnes to God. A vow thusmade,bindes confcience by vertue olGods commaunde- tienr,Eccles.S.3.whrra thou haft vaweda vow toClod,deferrr nottom rt. And the vow once made continues-to bind Co longas the thing is in farce which was the occafionache vow. For example : Aman defirous to pia. c` fife fobrietie and ternperancie,fìndes that drinkingof wine is hurtful' vnto him: hereupon he vowes toGod to drinke no wine: now this vow once made, bindes him till the eflate ofhisbodie alter, and he feels nàmice t nience in wine: but then it_ceaCeth to binde any longer. ©uefl. Whether Papiftsare bound in confcienccrokeepe thewo+ .Ysof finglelife,andvoluntariepoaertie which they make,ornor'e...5»f No. The reafonshereofare theft : J. Such vowes are flat againfi Gods commaun- dement: Rut iftheycannotadfainea let t hemmarrie :far it is better tomarr ie then tobone. t.îor.7,9. This erewarner. yoaeof,t hat r¡there were anythat woo rrót worI e, theyfhonldnot ease. .11cit 3.1o. H. They arc not in the power of him that voweth: as forexample, toprotnife perpetual' ehaflitie;ip lin- :gle.life. I I I. They aboltfhchrifltanhbettie in the vfe of the creaturesand ordinances ofG odias riches,and marriage,meate,drinke,apparell;making thatneceffarie whichGod left to ourlibertie. IV. They are made roans ende that men may thereby merit life eternal' and worfhip God : whereas haul faith,i.Titn.d. S. Bodilycxercifeproo/7rethiittie,btstsoalincsifprof tablefor Li. Of feu all thinur.T'hereforc they are better. broken thenkept. Miar a tingle orornite,it al o binds a enan,according as he wil to whom ; f ?. epa,1 the promife is ,made; though he bean b hereike or an infidel'. As for the purpof: ofchemind, =L bindsnot,but ntay vpon conuenientcaufe,be altered. Yet