ofconfcience. I oq Yet we mull remember that there are force cafes, in whicha promife made binds not. I. If it be againfi gods word.One faithweli,lneaiillprersi ¡escut eerilyfaith. It is a trickedproem a r'hrch cannot &e performed witheat NI Ip.tib.4 cffe,ace. II. Ifhe which makes it want reafonor fufficient difcretion. III. nine. Ifhe make the promifewho cannot binds himfelfe: as a childe vnder the gouernnaent of his parents. IY. If a man be induced tomake his pro- mifeby fraudand guile. V. H the promite beeing at thefirfl lawfull be come afterward either irnpof ible or vnlawfiill. And though men be bound in confcience tokeepe their promifes: yet this hindersnot but that there is and may be a good and lawfull vfe ofIn- dentures and obligations.Forthe bond.ofconfcience is betweene man and God: but thebondofan obligationpaffeth onelybetweenman and man. When Abraham bought a purchafeofEphron the Hitsite,he paied hismo- ney,and made it fitrebefore witnes,Gen.z3.r-7. Here we mull confider the generali finneofthis age, which is to fpeake deceitfully euery one to his neighbour. It is an hard thing to findea man thatwill Hand to his word and lawful! promife. It is a rule of cillachiauel1 that amanmaypra6life many things againfi his faith, againacharitie, and humanitie,and religion:and that it isnot necefiàrie to hauethefevertues,but to counterfaitanddiflémblc them.But let all lush as feare God,make con- fcience oftheir word, becaufe they are bound fo todoe: and hereby they (hall referable their heauenly father who is true in all his promiies and they fhall afrobring Forth.a.noitable fruit ofthe fpirir,Ga1.5.2 2. Hitherto I haue fpoken of the eaulc that maketh, confcience to giue iudgenaent.Now followeth the manner ofiudgement. Conreience gives iiudgementin or by akinde ofreafoning or dilputing, ¢ ta. How e6 called acnr.tílìcal%plfog:fine. ROM. 2. r§.their reajönrr:gr(7airxoyro-taw "v, t.) fcrefce gists accufrggorexcu1geachother. uc?geaAent. In the makingofthis reafon,confcience bath twoafli ilants ; minde, and memorie. Diinde cells Theminde is the florehoufe and keeperorall mannerofrules andprin- ,,t,at í+taws, ciples. It may. be compared to a booke of law, in which are let downs the penal! flatutesof the land. The dutieof it is topreferre and prefent to the confciencerules ofdiuinelaw whereby it is to glue judgement. Meruorie Memorie ferues to bring to minde the particular aáiions whichamen gives. euidëc, bath doneor not done,that confcience maydetermine ofthem. Now confcience aflifled by thefe twaine, proceedes in lodgement by a kinde ofargumentation : an examplewhereof we may take front thecon- fcienceofamurderer,thus: &eerymurderer is czarfed, faith the minde : Thouart amurderer, faith confcience affiflcd by memorie ergo, Thou artcurfed,faithconfciencc, and fogiueth her fentence. Toproceede:Confcience giues iudgementeitherof things pafl or things to coule. Of