L ro Treatip Ofthings pail two vaies, either by accufingand condemning, orby ex. waiescon. cuu ng.and abfoluing,leorn. 2. z 5 tenet gives To acetyl? is an anion of confcience giuing judgement that thisor that dgemenc thing waseuill done, and that hill byreafhning on this manner: Emery murderis afree Thisthyaion is murder : ergo, This thyatlion is afrnne. To condemne is another a&ionof the confcience ioynedwith the for- mer, whereby it giueth judgement that aman by this or that finnehath de ferued death, on this manner : erserymurderer d; ertsetb adouble dexh : Thouart a murderer : ergo, Thou hajldeferaudet doubledeath. Thefe two aó}ions are very forcible and terrible: for they are thecam- punatons and prickings that be in the heart, Ac}.2.3y. they are the !tripes as it were, ofan yron rodde, wherewith the heart afaman fmkcal it (elfe, z; Sam.24 z o. And by reafon of them, confcience is compared to a worme that neuer dieth,but alwaies lies gnawing andgrabbling,and pulling at the heart ofman, Mark. 9. 24. and caufeth morepanic and anguifh, thenany difeafe in theworld,can doe. The time when confcience performes their actions, is not before the finne,or in the acne offinning,but fpecially after the fume is done and pal}. Reafon. I. Beforeaman finneth, the deuill dothextenuate th rkult and make finne to be no finne. I I. Corrupt affeC ions doe fora rime fo blade andouercaa iudgement, thatit clothnot fee or at the lean confider what is goodor bad, till afterward. Neither doth confcienceaccule and condemne onely for time prefent, butalto long after a thing is done. Theconfciences ofIofephs brethren ac- cufed them 22.yeares after they had fold him intoEgypt,Ger.42.2 T. Theeffe&ofthe accufingandcondemningconf ience,is toflirre via fun- drie paffions andmotions in theheart,but fpecially theft flue. The ñrll is flame, which is an affection of the heart, whereby a man is grieued and difpleafed with himfelfe,that he bath done any euill : and this flume fhewethitfelFeby the riling oftheblood from the heart to the face. Yet we mutt here remember that men fuch as haue the pardon oftheir finnes, and are not guiltie,may be afhamed and blufh, Rom. 6.22. What fruithsdyee ir, thole things, sohereatree 'tom biufh,or,heafharned. Yet for all this,euert chorewhich aremolt guilde, maybe without all fhame,Ier,6.1 5. Werethey afhamedwhen they had committed abomination?nay, nay, they were notafhamed -, neithercould theyhaste any flame : becaufe they arcgrowne to fotue great height in finne,Eph.4. z 8. Thefecond patìion isfirdnes and forrow:which iscommonly thought to benothingelfe but mel:nchollie: but betweene them twaine, there is great el if ;rencr.Sorow,that comes bymmelancholly,arileth onelyofthat humour annoy