Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

onictevice. i r annoying thebody: but thisother forrow ordeal ofamans finncs,iorwhich hisconference accutéthhim. Melanchally maybe cured by phy1cke: this forrowe can not be cured by any thingbut by the bloodofaria. The third isfearein caufing whereofconfcience isvery forcible. If a mi had all the delightsand picafures that heartcan wifh,they can not doe him any good,ifconfcience be guiltie. 73e/pre, whenhe was in the nniddell ofall hisdelights,and fawe the handwriting vpon thewall:his countenatence changed, hic thoughts troubled him...), hu ioynts loafed, aad his kneesfmote togi. ther, Dan.5 .9.Yea the guiltie confcience will make a manafraide, ifhe fee brat a worwe peepeout of theground:or a filly creatureto gocrof e his way: orifhe fee but his owne fbadow on a fuddainc:orifhe doe but forceail art cuill withhim f elfe.Prov,28. r The tricked f yethwhen t;9 rsiunpttrfneth 'Ferrousofconfcience, when they aremore vehement saute o;hcr patE- ons infixbody,as exceedingheare,likc that which is in the fit of anague,. the rilingofthe entrails towards the mouth: and founding: as experience huhoften fhewed.Andthe writer cfncebookeofWtfdoni faith truly,cap.: 17,ro..Itisnfearsfat!ithingewhewmaliceiscondemned byher ownetee enronie:& aconfcience that ieteriched,dothesterforecsfi creedthings.Forfeareù nothing e%e,but thebetra,,it:g ofthefuccours, that reafon offereth36T, they that dui en, dare thebnrgbr that was intollerable,&c,fcrrctimes were trembledwith rncnfrttasa'7'beder. c,et' viiions,and finnetimestheyfia'c.ened,asthoughtheirowr .f-ulefiiouldbet,raythens:eJ &P. for a hiddenfearenot lookedfor,camevpon:hcm.. The fourth is demeration,whereby a man through the vehementand có- flant accufation of his confcience,comes to be outofall hopeof the pardon ofhisfinnes. This made Saul, Achirophel and ludas, to hang themfelues: this makes many in thcfedaies todoe the likc: as appeareth by thedeclarad- ons offuch as haue beetle prcuented, when they were about tohangor drowne themfelnes,or to cuttheirownethrots. The lat}isaperturbatio,aor: dil fuietnes of the whole man: whereby all the powers and facultiesof the whole man are forth oforder, Efa.S7, 20. The tvicked.are bite the r4ging of the fia ¿bat cannotref ,whorezratcrs call vp mire aiddirt. Thusmuch oftlie two firíl anionsof confcience, which are to accule and condemns :the fecond folioweth to excufe andablolue. To excufc,is an a&lion of the confcience gluing iudgerrrent that the thing iswel done. To ablaine,is ananion of; heconlciencegiuing judgement that a man is&tieand clearefto;:r f;:ult and foe frompunifhrnent. From tbete twoa;}ions arifc fume fpeciall atfe1ians: L boles and con- fdencc,Prov.28 t.l'heridh:eonsareboldesaLion.I1.loya drejoicing;2 :Cor. i .. á 2. 0.27 19y2...i eg theteJlitnanyófmy confctence,that in all ( pl:cttse and odivpare,,:esIhale had v;y convcrfationinthe arcrlde,Henceitisfaid,thata good c.:nf cnce is continual! (nil. Hitherto J .haue token howe confcience glues judgement ofthings done