Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

I 11ß e,Y't re,3táfë doneandNibHowe folio tveth her judgement ofthings to bedon. Conferencegives judgement ofthings tocome, by foretelling,and( as k wereflaying Payi inwardly in the heart,that the thing may be well done. Ofthis kindeofiudgement euery manmay haue experience in himfelfe, when he is about to enterprife any bufineseither goodor bad. By this wemay fee the goodnes of God to all men . l fa man beeing to make anvnknovsne Tourney, (hould finde one that woulde goc withhint and fhewe him the way,and all the turnings thercof,he couldenot but take it for a pointofcurtefie. Well, we arepilgrimes in this worlde,our life is our iourney:God.alfo hath appointed our confcience to be ourcompanionand guidc,to fhewe vs what courfe we may takeand what vee maynor. And here it mutt benoted,that inail things tobe done., confcience is of great forceand bearesa great f}roke. For,thi.r to thebeginningofßgoad trorke, that the confciencefirfi ofaligirseheriudgemët trify, that the thingshay 6e done, andu acceptable toGod.Rom,14.2, 3.Whdt foeuerunot offarth,that is , what - foeuer is not done ofa fetledperfwafion in judgement and confcience out ofGods word, howfoeuer men judgeofit,idfiane.Againe,God regards not theoutwardpompe achea%}ionor the doer, but obedience and efpecially the obediêceofthe heart:therefore >vnles the.confciécefidiatoll approoue 3teilinfor the thing tobe good and agreeable to Gods will,rt can be nothing cite ued. but a Panne. And he that fhall do a thing,becaufe it is good in his owneyes, not knowing that God loth allowofir, preferies hirnfelfc before God,and difobeis as the feruant that In his mailers houle will not doehis mailers will but his owne will. From this formerrule atife threeother:thefirfl ,whatfoeraer is done with do;ibting tonfiierce is of ine. For example: fame beleeuers in the Primitiue Church held, that Hill after the afcenfion of Chrifl there remained a diffe- rence betweeneme. *. a and meate, and therefore it was a fcruple to them to careof fiindrie kindofmeats: now put the cafe , that by examplethey are drawneon to cate twines fle(h, or Lome other thing which they thinke is forbidden;thisdone,there is noqueflinnbuttheyhaue tinned, as Paul proo- ueth, Rom. 1'4.14. l knowandAMperfroded through theLordlefru, that there 'Erroneous ùnothingvncleane ofit relfe:girt vntobits that iudgeth any thing vncleane, it :onlcicnce u vncleatne:and v.23 .He that doubteth iscondèmned,ifheBate beeaujè he ea a ndeth f° teth notoffaith. 'arreforth, hat ifaman The fecond,whatfoeuer thing irdone in, artníthanerroniotre confcience, it zr- L dge a thing afinne.Forexample:in the Primitiue Churchdiners ofthc Gentilesheld this 0becuiii, errour , that fornicationwas a thing indifirent , and therefore conicknee Ï.otagh falily; told them that they might doe it:and yet n,verthcles fornication in them grad yet after- yard doit,hc a finnebecaua confcience erred inher judgement. Andeuill remajnes n:hfinned cuiil,rhoughconfcience fay the contrarie a thou land times. eddifhonou- Thethird,vhatfaeueris done b sgaiílß confience though it erreandbe decei- edGod as ue ,irisf ioneinthe doer. Example.AnAnabaptifi holding it vrterlyvnla*full in ;ac h h as in ì+zz uh: to fweare, is brought before a magi1rateiand vrged either through fca or fre oisae