Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

on et Chriflian libertie, is a fpirituall and holy freedome purchtfedby Chrift. r.OfChrl. I fay, it is sßirittlall, fire( toput adifference betwecne it and ciuill liber- ¡ban libertie. tic, whichBands in outwardandbodily fieedomes and priuiledges:fecond- ly toconfute the Iewes,that looke for earthly libertie byChrift: and the A- nabaptifls , who imaginea freedome from all authoritieofMagiflrates in the kingdomeof Chrrlt. Againe, I fay it is anholy freedome, toconfute theLibertines, who thinke that by thedeach of Chrift,theyhaue libertie tohue as they lift. Lately I fay it ispnrchafedby C'hrrff,to!hew theauthoritie thereof. Gal. 5. 1. sLandfa¡ti in the libertiewherewith Chriftbathmadcyotafree.And to confute thePapifis,whofe doarine ineffe& is thus much,that this libertie is procu- red indeede by Chrilt,but is continuedpartly byChrift, and partly by the man himfelfe. Chrittian libertie bath threeparts. The firf}, is a freedome from the iuflificationofthe moral( law. For he that is a mcmberofChrifl,is not bound in confcience to bring the petfe6k righteoufnes of the law in his owne perfon for his iuflification before God, çal.5.t.withv.3. Hence it followeth,that he that is a Chriftian , is likewife treed from the curie and condemnation ofthe law, Rom. 8. t. 'There is nocondemnation to ;bevy that are in Chrtf .Ga1.3.13 . Chriffbath redeemedvsfrom, the corfeof the law,when he rias made cur/for vs. By this firapartofChriflian libertie, it appeares that therecannot bea- ny iuflification ofa(inner by warkes ofgrace before God. For he that will be iutlifiedbut by one worke,is debtcrto thewholelaw,Ga1.3.3 .but no man that isamember ofChrifl is debtertothe whole law; for his libertie is tobe free in that point: therefore no man is iuttified fo muchas by one worke of his owne. The fecondpart, is freedome from the rigourofthelaw, which exasticth perfedobedience and condemnethall imperfe6tion,Rom.6.14.Sinnebath nomore dominionoileryot1: forye are not vnder the lawbet vndergrace.t.Ioh.S. 3.Thiù is the lone ofGod, thatyekeepe his commandements : and bis commande- ments are notgrieslent. Hence itfalloweth,that Godwill accept ofourimperfec`t obedience, Wit be fyncere: yea he accepts the will, delire, andindeauour to obey for obe- dience itfelí'e,Malach. 3.17. And?willsfiare them asa man f areth hie ozone fanne thatferreeth him. The third part is,that theconfcience is freed from thebond ofthecere mouiall law, Gal. 3.25. Bilt after thatfaith is come, we areno morevnder a fchoolcmafler. Pph. 2.15. e ndbath broken the floppe ofthepartitionwall, in abrogating throsghh4 flefh,the law ofcommatlndementswhich fi. ndethinordi- nances. Cold!. 2. eAnd bathpur oat the handwritingo fordïncmces which wa:4gainfl vs.v.26. Letno man therefore cwidetvneyoreinmeat and drtnke,orin reffeí1ofan holy day,cr ofthe newmoone,e.c. H z Hence