0 Conjsettee. 1 t 7 ®root drowning theworldby waters: andbyany thing thatbefalls, totake oceafion to confider in it the wifdomc, goodnes,iuf}ice,mercie,ptouidence ofGod,&c. I addc further,that things indifferent; asbondage, outward libertie, ri.. ches,pouertíef iinglceflate,marriage,mcate,drinke,apparcll,buildings,may be viedfist), becaufe they are neitherconrmádedby Godnor forbidden : and inthemfelues confidcred,theymay beviedor not vfcd without breach ofcon fcience. The right manner of vling them, is to fanetifiee themby the word and praier,t.'tim.4.3,4. and not onelyCome of them but the vfeofthem all. Meate , drinke, and marriage arc thus tobe fan6tified,asthoplacebefore noted declareth. Paul tanaifiedhis Tourneyonthis manner, At._zt.s. And the !ewes werecommaunded todedicate theirhoufes at the figentrance, Deutr.zo.f. By this dedication we may well vnderftandnot onelythe let- ting (Achehoufe,or theprouiding ofa tenant , but allo thefan6tifying ofit by inuocati6ofGods name,that by his bleffing the placewith theroomer .thercefmight ferne for their benefit and comfort. And on this manner to blefle our dwelling places when we fira enter into them , is the belt way that can be to preferue them from the cafualtiesof fire within, and lighte- ning from hcauen,and fromtheannoyance and moleflation ofeuill fpirits, and other judgements ofGod. Things indifferent are fanaifiedbyGods word, becaufe it fhewes what things we may vie,and whatthings wemay not: and ifwemayvfe them,in whit manner it is to bedone.And to thispurpofc the Scripture afford foure tules. Thefirll,that all things mull be done to Gods glorie, t. Cor.to.3 t .Whs- therye e.teo drink! orwhatfoeHerye doe, doeall totheglorie ofGod. And that this may beperformed, things indifferent muff be viedas fignes and tables, inwhich we may thew forth thegraces & verrues that Godbath wrought in the heart. For example : we mull fo make-our appareil both formatter and fafhion,and fo weare it, that it may in form fort fet forth to the behol- der our model-lie, fobrictie, frugalicie,huniilitie,&c. that hereby he maybe occafionedto fay, beholda grade, fober,model perfon r and foof theyell. And the common finne ofthis time is., that ineate, drinke, apparel], buil- dings,areviedas banners difplaicdto fct foorth to theworld, mans riot,ex- ccile,andpride ofheart. The fecond. Wemuti (dietour (clues lawfully to be limited and rdflrai- nedin theouermuch or ouercornmonvie of things indifferent. I fay the o- uercommon vie, becaufe it is not Godswill vttcrly and abfolutely to batte vs ofthevieoffnchthings.Now the refirainersof our vie,are two; the fira is the law ofcharitie.For as charitie gates placatopietic,foChriflian libertie in the vie ofoutward things. glues placeto charitie. And the lawofcharitie is,that wefhouldnot vie things indifferent to the hurt or offence ofour bro- ther,i.Cor.8. t3. H a \