113 ATreat; Queue fir. Whether may a manvfehis libertie before fuck as areweake,and not yetperfwadedof their libertie. Anf Some are weakeof fimple igno- rance,or becaufe they hauebeetle deceiued by the abufeof long cut}ome and yetarewilling to be reformed. And before fuch wemuff abtiaine,leaa by examplewe draw them to finne by gluing occafion to themof doing that whereoftheydoubt. Againe forcearevveake vpon affe6tcd ignorance or ofmalice, and in thepretenceof fuch weneede not abfl'aine. Vpon this ground Paul whocircumcifed Tirnothie would not circumcife Titus. The fecondretlrainer,is the wholefomelawesofinen, whether Ciuillor Ecclefafticall, Forhowfoeuer things indif#erent,after the law is once made ofthem, remaineHill indifferent in themfelues : yet obedience to the law is ncceffarie,and thatFor confcience fake. AL-f. r 5.28 The third. We mull vfe things indifferent fo farre forth as they flail further vs in godhnes.For weought todoeall things not onely to the edifi- cationofothers,but alfo ofour ownc fclues. And therefore it is a flat abufe ofChriffian libertie,for men fo to pamper their bodies with meare and drinke,that thereby they difable themfelues to heare Gods word,to prays togiue good counfell, todoe theordinarie worksof their callings. The fourth . Things indifferent muff bevfed within cornpaflèofourcal lings,that is, according to our abilitie, degree, fate,and condition oflife. And it is a common abufeofthis libertie inour uaies, that the tneane man will be in meare,drinke,apparell,building,as the gcnticman;the gentleman as theknight; the knight as the lord or Earle. Now then things indifferent arefan6ified tovs bythe word, whenour c.onfciences are refoluedoutofche word that we mayvfe them, fe it be in the manner bcfore.narned,and according to the rules here fet downe. They are fanaifìed by praier, when we craue at Gods bands the right vfeofthem,and hauingobtained the fame, glue him thanks therefore. Co- lofl: 3.17. What focsaeryedoe iuwordordeede, doeall in thename ofour Lordre. jtta,gittingthartki to god thefather byhim. Thus much ofChriflian libertie, by which we are admonifihed offundrie duties: I. to labourro become goodmembersofChrift, ofwhat eflate or condition fo euerwe be. The libertiesofthe citieofRome, made not one- lyRomanes bornebut euen the men ofather countries feeke tobe citizens thereof.Ac `,}.22.28.Thepriuiledges ofthe Iewes in Peifia made many be- come rewes.Heff.8.1 y. 0 then, muchmore fhould the fpirituall libertie of confcience purchafed by the blonde ofChrift, mooúe vs to feeke for the kingdomeofheauen, and that we might become good members there- of. IL Againe by this weare taught toAudie,learne, and lone theScrip- tures, inwhich ourliberties are recorded. We make accountofour char- ters whereby wehold our earthly liberties, yea wegladly read them and ac- quaint our felues with them : what a (halite thenwill it be for vs , to make no more account of the word ofGod that is the lawof fpirituall libertie. Iam.2,16.. I I I. Lafily we arc _aduertifcd moll heartily toobey and farce God