ofConleierice. z 19 God according to his word,for that is the ende ofour libertie : the fetuant cloth all his bulines more chearefully in the hope and expetflation he hath oflibcrtíe.Againeour libertie moil ofall appcares in our feruice and obe- dience;becaufe the feruice of God ispetfe6tfreedome: as on the contrarie in the difobedienceofGods commaundements, fiends our fpirituall bon- dage. ire fecondptoperrie ofconfcience is an vnfallible certentie ofthe par -cte®fàlu . ati donoffinne and lifeeuerlaf ing.That this point maybe cleared, I will han- dle the tlueflionbetweenevs and Papifls touching the certentie offaluati. on.And that I may proceed inorder we muff diflinguifh the kindsofcer- tentie. Firfl of all, Certentie is either Vnfallibleor Conieclurall. Vnfallible, wherein a manisneuer difapointed . Coniet`lurall,which isnot fóeuident, becaufe it is -grounded onely vpon likelihoodes. The fecond all Papifts gram, but the firfl theydcnie inthe matter offaluation Againe certentie is either offaith,or experitnentall,whichPapiflscall morall.Certentieoffaith is,whercby anything is certenlybeleeued :and it iseither general! or fpeci- all,Generallcertentie,is robel_sue affuredly that the wordofGod istruth it felfe,and this bath weand Papiffs allow.Speciall certentieis by faith to applie the prornifcoffaluation to our fifties, and tobelceuewithout doubt, that remiffianoffinales by Chrífl and life euerlafling belongs vntovs . This kinds ofcercc. ntie we hold and maintaine, and Papitswith one confent de. nie it; acknowledging, no afl.trance but byhope.c. Wor4Il certentie is that which proceedes from fanerificatior: and good workes, asfignes and to- kens oftrue faith.Trtis we bothallow,yecwith fume difference.Forthey efl- ectneall certentie that comes by work tobevncerten and often to deceiue: but wedoe otherwife,ifthe workesbcdonc invprightnes ofheart. Thequeflion then is, whether aenan in this life may ordinarilywithout reuelation,bevnfallibly cerrenofhis owne faluation,firfl ofall and princi- pally by faith,aad then fecondly by fuch workes as are vnfeperable compa- nions of faith.We hold this for a cleare and strident principle ofthe worde ofGod,andcontratiivife the Papifis denie it wholly.I willtherefore proouc the trueth byCame few argumencs,and then anfwer the common obïei- ons. esiegarn.T.That whichthe fpirit ofGod doth fira ofall teffifie in theheart and confcience of any man, and then afterward fully confirnze;i tobebe- lecuedofthe fame man as vnfallibly certen :but the fpirit ofGod fief ofall doth tef$ifìe to fornemen, namely true belecucrs, that they are the fonnes ofGod_: and afterward confirmes the famevnto them. Therefore men are vnfallibly tobelceue theirowneadoptió.Now that theSpiri: ofGoddoth glue this telli<nonie to the confcience ofman,the Scripture is more then plaine,Rom.8.z 5.7ehaaereceMedthefiris ofadop,'to. wherebywecrie,4.4b- ha Father . The fame Spirit bearerh rritnefJe r.--ithonrOirit, that rye are this foams ofGed,Anfweris made,that this teller-ionic oftheSpirit is giuen only byanexperiment or feelingofan inward delightor peace,which breedes in H 3 vs