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ePnardepifi, ,to7. bmadkoir well. 120 -.44 rreatit vs not an infalliblebut a coniea,urail certentie. And I anfwer againe that this expofition is flatte againft the:ext. FortheSpirit ofadoption is Paid here not to makevs to thinke or fpeake, but to crie A6óa, Father : and crying to God as to a father argues courage, confidence,and boidnes. Againe the fameSpirit ofadoption isoppofedto the[kit ofbondagecauingfeare: and therefore itmufi needes be a Spirit gluing aflurance of libertie, and by that meanes driuing awaydifirttf}full feares. And the end,no doubt,whythe ho- ly Ghoftcomes into the heart as a witnes of adoption is , that the truth in this cafehidden and therefore doubtful', might becleared andmademani- fefi.If Godhimfelfehaueappointed that a doubtfulltruthamong men,fhal be confirmedand put out of doubt by themouth oftwo or three wirnefles, it is abated to thinke thatthe teflimonieofGod himfeifeknowing al things and taking vpon him to be a witnes, should be conie6turall. Saint Bernard had learnedbetter diuinitie,whenhe Paid, Who is tuft, buthe that Geeing loud ofGod, retatrneslone tohim, againe? which is not done but by theSpirit ofGod v reuealingby faith vntoman theeternalipurpofeofGadconcerning hit faluati. on in time tocome: which reuelation vndoubtedy isnothingelfebut an infssfon of u,irituallgrace: b,ywhich, whileff the decks ofthe fle(h are mortified, the manif prepared:.o the (ingdomeofGod, receirsingwithall that wherebyhe mayprelims thathe is loued, and loueagame. Furthermore that the Spirit ofGoddoeth notonely perfwademenof theiradoption , but alto confirme the fame vnto them, it is moll manifeff. Eph.4.3 o. Greeue not the Spirit wherebyye arefealedvp to the dayofredempti.. on. And1. v.13. e/1freryebeleeued ,ye werefealed with the Spirit ofpromife which is theearneft ofour inheritance. 2. Cor. I .21. ft is God that bathfealed vs andgiucnvs the earneftofhisSpirit in our hearts. Here the wordsof leafing and earneft,arc tobe confidered. For things that paffe tooand fro among men, though they be in quefiion, yet when the fcaleis put too, they are madeout ofdoubt:and therefore when God by his Spirit is laid to feale the promife in theheart ofeucry particular beleeuer, it fignifieth that he giucss vnto themeuident affurance that the promife of life belongs voto them. And thegiuing of canna is an vnfallible token vnto him that receiucth ir, that thebargaine is ratified,and that he (hall receiue the things agreed vp on. And it were a great difhonourvntoGod,to thinke that theearnefi ofhis owneSpirit giuen vnto vs, fhould bean euidence ofeternal! life, not vnfal- lible but tonie6turall. eArgum. 2. The faithof theElecct or fauingfaith,is a certenperfwafion and aparticularperfwafion ofremiflionoffinne and lifeeuerlafting. Trou. ching the fini ofthefe twaine, namely that faith is acerten perfwafion, yea hat certentie is of thenature of faith, it appeares by expreffe tefiimonie of . cripture,Matth. iq..31.© thouoflttlefaith,whyhafithoudoubted? and2I. r. 2t .Ifyehaireftith anddoubt not.Iam. i.6. Let hindastreinfaith, andwane? not:for hethat wartereth is life a waneofthefia, t oft ofthe winde, andcarrieda- way.Rom.g, 20. either didbe doubtoftheprom f of Gadthrough vnbelcefe, but