ofConfëence. 3 s t but mg,'flrengthened infaith. I will not Eland longer on this point which is not deniedofany. Touchingthefecond part ofmy reafon, that faith is a particular perfwa- fion applying things beleeucd : Iprooue it thus. Thepropertie offaith is to receiue the promife,Ga1.3.t 4. and the thing promifed which isChrifl with his fpirit,Ioh.r.t z. NowChrifl is receiued by a particular application, as will appeare ifwe doe but marke the ende andvfe ofthe mini[lerie of the word andoftheSacraments. For when Godgiues any ble[lingtoman, it is tohe received by man as God giueth ir. NowGodgiues Chrifl or at the leaf+offereth him notgenerally tomankinde,but to the feuerall and parti- cular membersoftheChurch. In the Lords Supper, as in euery facrament, there is a relation or analogie betweene the outward lignes and the things fignified. The anionof theminifler giuing thebread and wine to the hands ofparticular communicants, ieprefenteth Gods a&ion in givingChria withhis benefits to the fame particularcommunicants. Againe the action ofreceiuing thebread and wineparticularly, reprefentcth an other fpiritu- all a6lion ofche belecuingheart which applieth Chrifl unto it felfe for the pardon of finne and life euerlafling. Papiflsyeelde not to this: yet ifthey refufe to maintaine this analogic, they ouerturne the facramew and diffent from antiquitie. Augufline faith, The 6odieof Chrift rsafcendedinto hearten : force may anfverandfay,HowfhallIholde him beefing abfeat ? how /hall Ireach fug&Raat vp minehandto heaven that Imaytryhold ofhimfitting tbere?Sendvp thrfaith, fo.on toht"® and thouhalllaidholdofhim. And what is more common then an other fay- ingofhis: what rrsean:fl thou toprepare thy bete and teeth, Teleetseand thou ball eaten.Againe Bph.3. t z.Paul faith,By Chrifl roebaneboldnesand entrance withconfidencebyfzith in him. In whichwordes are fet downetwonotable efïeCisand fruitsoffaith: bolducs,and confidence.Boldnesis,whenapoore firmer dare come into the pretence ofGod, not 'acting terrifiedwith the threatnings ofthe law, nor with thecvn[idcration ofhis owne vnworthi. nes, nor with the manifold affaults ofche deuil!: and it is more then certen- tie ofGods favour. Nowwhereas Papifis anfwerthat this libertie orbold- nes in commingvaro God , proceedesof general! faith, they are farce wide. It is notpoflible that a general! perfwafaonofche goodnes and truth ofGod, andofhis mercie in Chrifl, fhould breede confidence andboldnes in theheart ofaguiltie firmer, and noexample can be brought thereof.This generall faithconcerning the articles ofour beieefe, wasnodoubt inCaine, Saul, Achitophel, Iudas, yea in the denill himfelfe : andyet they defpaircd and forceofthemmade away themfelues : and the deuiil for all his faith, tremblethbefore God Wherefore that faith which is the roote ofthefecx- cellent verruesofboldnes and confidence, muff needes be a fpeciall faith, that is,alargeand plentiful! perf,vafionofthe pardonofa mansown Ganes and oflefeeuerlafling.AgaineHehr. ii. i. faith is called hypofa r,thatis,a fubflance or fubfiftanceof things hoped for: where faith, inthe matter of our faluationand other!ike things, is made co goc beyond hope: for hope H 4 wakes