Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ji I2S A7reitife wakes forthings to come till they haue a beeing in the perfonhoping, but faith inprefentgiues a fubfiflingor beeing vnto them . This cannot be that generali faith (ofPapi(}s rearmed, Catholicke)fbr it comes íhort ofhope, but itmuff needes be a fpeciall faith thatmakesys vndoubtedly beleeueour owneeicezion,adoption,iuf}ification and faluation by Chri(}. And to this purpofe haue forte ofthe fathers faid excellent well. Augufline faith , 1de- ,411141.61e .sr, rì r: ndofthee , ()firmer doeft thou beleeueChrift orno? thouu f ïei, I"beleetse. u domferm.7. Ll hat 6eleestejl thous? thathecan eelyforgwethee all thy.finnes.Thou haft that. m6r.ona. which thosehaft bdeeued. Ambrofe faith, 7-hie it a thing ordainedofGod, that Corr, he whichbtleetsethinChrif! ¡lauldbefataedwithout rteyRorke, 61farthalone free- lyreceit irá re:îlttOklOffinrer. And with Atnbrole 1 ioyne the tellnie of `HeTcb.on Helchiusvpc:r Leviticus, whofaith , Codpayi:gmankínde,whnhef twit Lerit. d3fubledfur the f gal állin e fthe orferof the lay, r3 filled that man /ho faced bygrace without the work softhelaw. Andgraceproceeding ofmereie it appre- hended6y faith alone without worker. Whereas in the two laffteflirnonies, faith is oppoedgenerally to all workes, and is withal! (aide to apprehend and receiue, yea alone to 4ppreh.rnd.and receiue grace andread-ionof finnes, they can not bevnderltoodofa general! but of a,fpeciall applying faith.. Bernard bath tilde wordes , Ifthon6eleeuefThat thy (innescan notbe blottedotst but by him, againgnhorse:hots haf .iZmed, thou d%1 well: butgeeyet Bernard. firm.farther, andbeleease that hepardoneth thyfnner. This ìr the teflimonie which deAmalie. theholy ç heft giuethinour hearts,laying ,Thyfinnerare forgtnenthee. Forfo Marta' the Apasfleth:nketh that a man is Liftified jreeybyflit h.Papi(}s beeing much choked with this place, make anfwer that Saint Bernard lothnot lay that we mull beleeue the pardon ofour linnes abfolutely without refpedl of workes, but that he requires the condition ofour conuedion. and tepen. ranee, asfgneswhereby thisperfwalion is wrought. I anfweragaine that he auouchethplainely, thegenerali faith whereby the points ofreligion are beleeued, to be buta beginningorrudiment offal th, and therefore not fufé fieient vnlefie wegoefurther and applie the grace ofGod toour (clues by faith limplywithout refpe& ofany condition performed on mans parr. In- deede I graunt that the truthofconuerfion andother works are byhimmen- tioned afierward, but that was for this ende tofhewhowanyman may hauea fenfibieandeuident experience by workes , as fruits ofthe pardon of his owne fnnes acid life eueriafling,whìch hebeleeueth. Argum. 3. S. Iohn penned his firfl epiflle that he might fhew vnto the Church ofGod away how theymight ordinarily and fullybe affured ofthe, lone ofGridand ofeternall life : and therefore he affoardeth vs many preg- nant te(limonies for thispurpole. i . Ioh. 2.3. Andby this weknow that we harm knoa;.nehim, iffieheepe his commaunderrients. And v.5. Ilewhich&repel. h his word, in him is the wordofgod truly accompli/hed: by this weknow that we .e in hiw.cap 3. t o.Byy this are mani fell the children ofgodand the children ofthedeeeill and v. t 9.73y thisweknow that we are ofthe truth, andbeforehim t:effialimake ourheartsconfrdent.cap,.g.i3.Ryth ;wekaowthat.wedwellin him.:.