Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

{ t Sb e./ffiredti yebeinahepithors., 2.t 3.5. hereby giuin them to vndcr{land that all which beleeue,haue th a (pint ofdifcerning to knowe certenly that they do beleeue.Again he faith ofhimfelf,a.Tim.t .r a.lknewwhoo',e Ihatae£eleested. And S.lohn faith, this wekknory that be dwelt inus by ti Sp:rit whichhehatbgiuenvs; making no queffiöof it, but thathe which bath the fpirit knows that hehath the faine.And teflirnoniesofmen arenot wanting :lrtgu l.lib. de in this cafe.11u;;ufi.bEtteryonefeethfaith to be inhuowneheart, ifhe Merge.. "rsna ;,c.t. = fnot,he febb tt tobe wát:ng. Again, `Abeleetwr fesch hip ©wnfaith,by ,hich be E. ótnfivereththat hebeletteth without doubt.&,'[.leu:h,chlosse!hhis4rr,:her,more %noaveth thefouevvhere6y be lonetla,t hen h.4 brother vvhombe lostetb. rlgainc whereasicis laid that hauing faith,yet we !movienot whether it be fuffìci® anfwer thatfaith beeing without hipocrifie,is fuffìcient to falua- tïon.though it bevnperfeét.God morerefpeas the truth of our faith then the perfection thereof. e4nd as the hand ofthe Child or of the palífe mau though it be feeble, it able co reach out it flf& receiue an aln1esofa prince, fo the faith that isbut weake,is ableto aprehend and receiue Chrifl Willi al his benefits. O6,et1.r.Prov.2$.13leffeeiis the man thatfeareth alvva:et.Phi1.2.'Yorke your falsiationvvithfeare andtren,6linç.44nf.T here is threefold fèare, one of 1 s:ature,thefecondofgrace,the third ofdtflrsaf#.,Feare ofnature is that where- by the natureoiman is troubled with any thing that is hurtful! vnco it,and therefore auoideth it.Feare ofgracejs that excellent gift which is called the beginning ofvvfdore,ßt iris a certen awe orretierence vnco God,inwhore prefencewe doe whatfoeuer wedoe.Feare ofdiffrull is,whenmen tremble at the judgements of God for thcire fianes,becaufe they haueno hope of mercie.Ofthefethree,the firfl was good by creation.and daercYore it was in our Saviour Chritl,but fince the fall is is defectiue.The third is a vice called flauif1 feare.And the fecond is that which is commanded in there and the like places ofScripture; the intent whereof is to make vs circumfpe6,3 and fearfulf,leafl we fhouldoffendeGodby any finr,e,our owne weaknes confi- dered,and the imminent judgements ofGod. And this kind offeare,as all the firft, may [land with certentieoffaith,Roan.i t.7houfandef6y.pi:h,be not high rsaindedbutfeare. Pfál. a. Same the Lord infeare,and reioyce in trem- bling. 06íe f1.6. VVhere there is no vvord, there is no faith. For faith and the vvordofGod be relatiues. Butthere isnovvordofGod that faith toparti- cularmerit Cornelius,orPeter,or John, thy fillies are pardoned,cxccpring a fewe perfons,asMarie Magdalen,and thepali ieman, 3tc.Thercfore there is no particular faith.Ar[Though there be no worde let dovvrie in Scripture touching the faluacicrnofhisor that particular man,.yec there is let dovvne thatvvhich is equívaln-to a particular vvord,and as much in ffe&.For the promife ofreiuiffion oftînnes_ and life euerlafiing, is giuen vvith a com- ,'ca.Í1rr wandeinencthatcuer cnanba l the tomir- tohimfelfe,asIhauebefore %d.rrr.d y Pï' .1 p . t=actic. prootter' and this is altogether as much as if curry mansgart cular name had