Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ofCotfëiee e.' 1 27 bad beene put in the prornife.I 2ddC further that theprom iCes oftbc Gofpel muff be confidcred two vVaies,ffira as they aregenerally let downs in Scrip- ture without application to any perfon:Cecondly as theyare taughtand publifhedin the miniflerie of the word,the end whereofis to appliethen; to theperfonsofinen, partly by preachingand partly by adminiflringthe Sacraments of baptifine and theLords fupper,vvhichare 'fealesof righte. oufncs oífaith.Now the promifeapplied and (asImay fay) particularized to the membersofthe Churcb,is by thevenue ofGods ordinance as much as ifGod himfelfe had given thepromife particularly, and annexed mens names vnto it.Itis further anfwered that thepromife ofremiffion offinne,is preached not (imply'bnt vpon condition of mens faith and repentance, which cannot be certenlyknowue. I. anfwere againe (as I haue alreadie prooued) that he which truly beleeueth and repenteth,kuoweth that he doth certenlybelecueand repent. Obie&f.y.To beleeue the pardonoía mans owns fïnnes,isnone ofthe ar- ticlesof faith, propounded in anyCreed either oFthAples,n theNicene fatbers,or Athanafius, orany other Creed.AnfThis faith is containedvrider thefe words,I bcicetie r°emr or. ofnnes:and Iprtootte itthus.Thefewords are an article ofChriflian faith,and therefore theymuff in fence containe more then the deuiil doth mean beleeue ; now thedeuill beleeueth thus much, that Godgiues rernif ion of finnès to his Church.Chriflian men therefore muff goe oneHeppe further, and beleeue particularly the renaíffionof theire ovine Gnnes=Othetwife ifthePapifls will haue theCatholicke faith to be- leeue no more in this poinr,rhen the damned fpirits beleeue, let them take it to themfelues.But they reply further, that if there were any fuch article offaith,then tomeperlons muffbeleeue,that they are iufl thoughthey wit= linglycommit mortal'finne,which is an euident falfhood. >f. He that beleeues the pardonofhis own fumes by true faith, bath the fpiritofGod in him, and a confiant purpofe not to finne againit God :and therefore if he finne,it is againfi his purpofe, and without any full confent ofwill;and it is not he that doeth it, but the finne that dwclleth inhim , But ifit tofallout, that the Child ofGod be ouerraken with any a£luallfinne, thenhis cafe flandeth thus:He hashby his fall wounded his confcience, weakned his faith, bereauedhimfèlfeofGods fauaur, as muchas in him heth;made him- felfe guiltieofa hone and worthìeofdamnation :and Godfbr'his part ace cordingly turnes the woonted fignesof his tow= into fignesofanger and difplefure:and though it be pardoned in thepurpofe of God, yet it is not aEtually paardoned; till the partie'reFent. Things{landing thus,we teachnot that men, mull beleeue the pardonoftheirfinnes while theyhue& lie in the;", for that were flatly to teach falfhood for truth: but ourdoc`lrinc is,that Inch perfons ritifáf rfl ofall humble themfelues,and fay with the prodigal! child, that they hone fin:ledagainfl God , &, are notworthieto becalkdhis chil den any more: and againcvenue theirdecaied faith and repentance, that theymaybelcette (es before) theirperfeé reconciliation with God.