Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ofCCsrjsier:ee. r 29 he doth withal' pardon the rail that are vnknovvne. And by this it ap- peares, that the ignorance offome hidden finnes,after a man withdiligence bath fearched himfclfc, cannot prejudice an vnfallibleaffurance ofthe.par. donof themall andofhis owne faluation. Obie5 . io. Wepray for the pardonof our owneTunes, and therefore weare vncertenofpardon : the man which knowesthat he hath pardon, need( not pray for it. I anfwer firfl, when we are taught by Chria to pray for the forgiuenefleofour debts, weare put in mimic not to feeke the par- don ofall ourfsnnes, whetherpaa or prefent ; but fpecially ofour prefent and dailyoffences, whereby we makeour felues day by day guiltie,til fuch timeaswe humble our felues and repent ofthem. Secondly by tl: is petition We are taught to aske the increafeofour affurance;becaulèthough God-be- llowendleffe mercic on vs, yet we are skant in recciuing of it ourl earns beeing like a narrow necked vefíèil, which bceing call even srzo the Ocean fea, receiueth in water onelydroppe byd:oppe: ObieTt. t r. Noman can beleeue his owne faluation, as hebc i eues the articlesoffaith r therefore no man can.belceue the pardon of h;!.(7..--,:s and his faluation by an infallible certentie. I anfwer, firft that euery one that looker for faluation byChria, is bound in confcience as certeul t a beleeuehis owne faluation and adoption by Chritli, as he belecues the art,- cies offaith. Becaufe to the promife oflife there is annexed a com ;and...In& to belecue and applie it. Secondly this faith whereby we areto beleeuc our owne faluation,ifwe refpea the true andproper nature thereof, is as cer. ten as that faith, whereby webeleeue the articlesoffaith. Thirdly, as there be diuerte ages in the life ofman, fo there be dinerfedegrees and meafures of true faith. There is fir1 ofallabeginning orrttdiment of faith, like the fmokplg !laze and bruied reede, which Chrif} will neither quench not bruife. Againethere is wake faith, which beleeueth the promife truly, but yet is perplexed with many doubtings. Laftly, there is trongfuth, . which bath ouercorne all doubtings,and is not onely for nature certen (as theformer is,) but alto a large and plentifuli perfwafion of Gods mercie in Chria. Examplesof this we haue in Abraham,Dauid,theMartyrs and fuch like worthie men. Now: by the fecond faith, men doe as certenly be. leeue their adoption as the articles, but not fo firmely and fully. But by the lafl,remifíìon offinnes is notoneíy as certenlybut alto as fully belecued as any articleoffaith. ObteEI.Y a.Ancient fathers the lightsofcodsChurch,ha uealwaieseon. demned this vnfallible and fpeciall certentieoffaith, which the Proteilants hold and maintaine. e/inf. Though we buildnot the dottrine ofour reli- gion vpon the judgementsofinen,yetwerefufe not in this and otherpoints to be triedby the fathers, whole writings well vnderfood, make more for vs, then for the Popitih religion. And their teflimonies commonlyahead gedto confute the certentie offpeciall faith, are much abufed. I. Many of them ferue toprooue.that aman cannot fudge &difcerneofeucryparticular .