Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

á30 ,t reacts e motion andgrace of his.teart, ofthe increaîeoftheregraces,and the coca- tratiedccreate: offpeciall vices andwants, many hereofare hidden from thevndcrflanding.Theodoret in his comment.t.Cor cap.4.Ixriiinot(faith he) lree myfelfe fromfnne, but waits the lenience ofCod : forit oftenfalls out that menfinneofignorance, and thinks that, tobe egas:all andsutl which the God ofa/lfees tobe otherwift. AuguLt. de verbis dei. fernt.z3. Peradatenttare those finder nothing in thyconfcience : but he finder fometh:ng e bat f Bethbetter. And vpon Pfal,41 . Iknow that the iufltcc of my god [hall abide, but whethers;*airre fb,allornodknownot: for thefaying ofthe Apoflleterrfiiethme,Hcw¡torch think! heJ1einds,let him tikeheeds leall hefall. Here he fpeakes of hisinward righte- oufnes, andthat, as it is confidered in it felfc without theaflîtfiance of Gode For he addes afterward. , rheref ore bec.3atf there is no fabilrtiern mefor my felfe, nor hope inme for my felfe, hereuponmyforále trotsbledfor myfelfe.C;hry- foflom. homil.87. on Iohra. 1 anz,grieocd, perad::,enture ffeppofin my felfe tolone, doe not loot as before : whenlfeemcd conftatnt andcouragiorts wets myfelfe, I wasfound but a daflard. Thefe and a thoufand like teítimonies proouenothing. Forthough aman cannot fully difcerne his heart, either m refpe6tofeucry one ofhisownefirmes,or inrefpeo`Iofeuery grace; yet this hinders not but that hemay bane an infallible certentie ofhis faluation, and alCo a fuflieient gift todifcernc his ovine faith and repentance. I I. Other placesma}bevnderlloodeofproud prefumption, anti ofa kind ofíecuritie, in which men drearne ofsale and libercie without trouble or temptation. Augulide correp.&grat.cap. t 3. who ofall the companie ofthe fnthfi;l',as long as he hues in this mortallcondition, cars prefsme that he is ofthenumber of thepredeflinate? And,de bono perfevcr.cap.22. Araman can befecnre touch- ingeternalllife, tillthis life beended Bernard;epifl. 107. Haulingnow receiued thekeowledgeofhimfelfeinpart, bemay reioyce in hope, but not in(curiaeas yet. Hieron. Dan. 1.. Let no man boldly prornirr to another the pardon ofhis fines. 111. Someplaces auouch that a man cannot be f itrc ofperfeuerance to the ende without falls and decaies in grace : all whichwe graunt. Au- guff. de civit.dei:lib.t t <cap. t 2.Although the Saints be b cert enofthe rcr'ard narkC it oftheirperfeterance,yet theyarefound tobevncertenof theperfeuerance it ;rife: for what grancan know that hefha/lperferaere in the pray{rfeand incree?je of rrgh- teoufnesvnto the ende, except he bealluredofitbyfinerenelattin, 1V. Some places mutt be vnderltood ofexperimentall cercentie, when theeuent isac. complïfhed. Hieran. booke 2. againf Pelagians. C it noman bleffedbefore his ende, foray long &we line herewe are in thefight, and as lorry as ireare in the frght,roebanenocortenviEorie. V. Some places fpeakes ofthe.vnccrtentic ofoth er mens faluacion, which we graunt. The author of thebooke devo- cat.Gent.i.clafl. faith, tWecan pronounce ofno manbeforehis ends that he (hall be in theglorieofthe parevet: cap.: 3 . (A_renarenot with anycorten affeuerationto auorschthat others belong to this calling. V I. Some fpeake of that certentie which comes by reuklation without the word. .9.-reg. lib. 6. cpifi.22 to Ctregoria. Whereaa yea adde inyonr epifilesthat yon zll