Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

e Con cievice. Y 3z will betarnet withmetïlllrarìte, that it bathbeenemade known varto meth yourlinnet areforgimen:youbane requireda hardandvnprofita6le thing. Hard, becauf lamvn:vorthie to shamea revelation fhouldbemade. Unprofitable, de. caufeyoumkffnot be madelure touchingyour (innes,vnleJJe it bein the laft dayof your life, forthenyoufhouldnot beable tobewaile thefamelinnet. V I I. Some places denie vntoman that certentie which isproper toGod , which is, to difcerneinhimlelfeallthings to come pläinely, as they (hall come topate withouthelpeof teflimonie and outwardfgnes. Bernard.ferm. Sep- tuagef Who tarofads, Iam ofthe Elea? lam, ofthepredeßinate to life : certen!" we banenoneasyet , but the'afanceofour hope conforteth Conferrethefe wordes with thofe that follow. For this caujecertaineAgnes andmanifell to.. bens ofaluation aregiuen,that it may beathing out ofdoubt that hers in the nrl- ber ofthe Eleainwhams there/gistsare. Thus I haue in Come part made manifeft, that an vnfallible certentieof pardon offinneand lifeeuerlatling is the propertic ofcuery rained confci- ence. Now therefore I will proceede further to confider how thiscertentie is caufed and imprinted in thecon fcience. Theprincipall agent andbegin- ; ner thereof, is the holyGhotl , inlightning the minde and confcience with fpirituall and divine light : and the infirumcnt in this action, is the mini- Retie ofthe rsofpel whereby theword oflife isapplied in the name of Godto theperfon ofeuery hearer. And this certentie is by little and little conceiued in a formeof reafoning or practical fyllogifineframed in themindeby the holyGhofi,on this manner : Emery one that beleeues is the childofC%ad, Tut l doebeleeue Therefore lam the childo fgod. Thepropofition is made by the minitleroftheword in the publike congre- gation : and it is nothing elfe but the promifeofeternall life applied to the particular hearers. Tire fecond part or the afumption is the voice ofcon- fcience regenerate or the voice ofGods fpirit in the fame. NowePapifts write and avouch that theaffunhption is falle : but the realons which they vietoprooue the fame, are of (mall moment. Firli they aileadge,that many are deceiued in theirperfwafons, thinking they hauethat which theyhaue not:I anfweragaine that many doe fàlfly prefi:me of Gods niercie,and i- magine they haue that faithwhich they baue not : and in all fuch theaf- fumption is falfe : yet in all them that are chofen to faluation and trulycal- led, it is vnfallibly true. For fuch as haue receiued the gift oltrue faith,haue ananother gift of difcerning whereby they ice and know their owne faith. It is furtherobiekied that Ieremie faith, iy.9.Theheart ts deceitful Iandavic. bed aboueall things, who can &you, it ? But the intent of this place is onely to flew, that-no man can fearch his heart tothe very bortome, to fee all and e- uery want, infirmitie, and wicked inclination that is therein. For originall fìnne wherewith the heart ofman is tainted, is a pronenes or difpofition to all the finnes that areor maybe. And though men can notdifcerne all their I z finncs,