= ars el / rearye finnes, yet manyofthem are certenlyknowne: why may not thenmany ofthegraces ofGodbe certenlyknowne, fpecially thole whichbeofthe ptincipall,as faith, fan&ification, repentance. Againe it is alleadged, that Peter bcleeued that hewasable tolay downchis life fotChtifts fake, and yetindeede wasnot as the euent declated : for when thetime came, hede- niedChrifL. afinf. Peter at that time was but weake in faith , and he was muchcarried away with a confidenceofhis owne flrength, whichmade him fpeake thefe wordes ofprefumption : and though he tailed in this one parttctAar atIon,yet failed he not in the principall,ihat is, in the perfwafi- onofthepardon of his owne finnes and oflifecuerlafling. In aword, it is cenen that manyperfwade thenrfelues of Gods mcrcie,and yet atedeceï- ued: neuerthelefle all fuck as doe truly belecue are not deceiued. The holy GhoPcmaking them to fee that in themfelues vrhich by nature they cannot difcerne,asPaul fignificd,whcn he faid,I fpeakethettuth,1he not,my con- fcience bearingme witnes6y the holyCbaft,Rotn.9.I: Againe the fameteflimonic isgiuen othcrwife thus Emery childofGodhath thepar:?inofhia ßnnci,faithGods word. But ¡amGodschild:and thereforeh.,r ethe pardon&fsiiyfinnes, faith the renuedconf icnce,bl the dire&&ionofGods fpirit,Rnm.8. r 6.Gal.4.6. Afier that this teflimonie is oncebcgun,it is confifi nedby the farcemeans, as al foby praier and theSacraments. But it may bedemanded, how abodi- ly element,as bread,wine, water, fhould be able to confirme aperfwafion ()four adoption that is in theconfcience. /Info,. The element in the Sacra- ment is anout wardPeale or inflrument toconfirme faith,not as a medicine reftores and confirmeshealth, whetherwe thinkeon it or not, whether we ilcepe orwake, and that by his owneinherent venue; but by reafoningin a breafonò fyllogifinemade by the good confcience: the b medium, thereofbeeing the outward figue in the Sacrament. Bymeanes ofwhich fyllogifme theholy Ghoftmooues and flirres themiede, yeachcrifhethand mcreafeth faith,on thismanner : Hewhichvfeth theelementrarightjha!1receiuethepromifet Buttdae,or Ihartsviedthe elementsaright ThereforeIfhallreceiue thepromifar. Whereas prefumption and the illufionof Satan vfe as well tote!' aman, that he is thechildofGod, as the true teflimonie ofregencrate confcience, the way toput differencebetweene them is this. 1. Prefumption is natu- rall and from theverywombe,but this teflimonieofconfcience is fuperna turalli. II. Prefumption is in them that make no account ofthe ordinarie meanes offaluation. This teflimonie comes by the reuerent and carefull hearing ofCods word. III. Prefimption is in them that vfe not to call on the nameof God: but this teflimonie of confcience is ioyned with the Spirit of adoption which is the fpirit ofpraier. 1V. Prefumption is ioyned with laofenes oflife, this teflimonie brings with it alwaies an happic chage & alteration. Fot he which hath a goodconfcience hathalto care tokeepe good