Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

IrCOPifritNee: T33 good confcience in all things. V. Prefumption is peremptorie without doubting: whereasthe teflimonie ofcon fcience is mingled with manifold doubtings,tylatic9. 24. Luk.t 7.5. yeaotherwhiles ouercharged with Pfal.77.7,8. VI. Prefumption will giue a man the flippc in the time of ficknes , and in the honre ofdeath3lnd the catatonicofgood confcience flickesby,iiim to the ende,and menmakes him fay, Lordrenoembernow boat haw11,40 before' theetn trmth,andhaw done that which is acceptable in thy frpr.lfa.38. 2. Theduties ofconfcienceregenerate are two: in (pedal( manner toglue 3.0fthe s tcflimonie, and to excule. dutie ofre. The fpec i all thingof which confcience giues teflimonie is , that we arc cgoennefiriac'nece.. the childrenofGod predefitnate tolife euerlaning. And that appeares by thee reafons. I. Rom. 8.16. TheSpirit ofGod witneffeth tegither with oarfinritthat we are thefonnesofGod. Nowthe(pithof man here mend°. ned is the mind or confcience renewedand fantlified.To thispurpofe faith Iohn,He that 6:lee:ter') bath a wanes inbirnfelpre , 1.1013. 5. to. 1 L That which gods (pint doeth tenifie to the confcience the confciencecana. gaine tetlifie to vs : but Gods 1.014 cloth tentfietothe confcienceof aman regenerate that he is thechild of God,I.Cor.2.t 2.Therfore theconfcience alfo doth the fame. 11 I. He which is iuflifiedbathpeaceof confcience, Rom 5.1 Now there canbeno peace inconfcience, till confcience tellthe manwhich is iuflified that he is indeede iunified. I V. That which the confcience may know cettenly, it maytellifie: but confcience may know certenly without reuelation,themans dea ion, and adoptIon, as I hauebc forèPlooned:therefore it is able to giuetefiimonie of thefe. Againe, the regenerate confcience giucth teflimonie of a certaine kind ofrighscoufhefre , beeing an vnfeperablecompanion thereof: and for this eaufe, it is called ofEmma she righteonfitesofagoodconRience.Now this righ- tena nes is nothing elfe but an vnfained , earnefi , and confiant purpofe with indesuour autwerable thereto not to finne in any thin., but in all things whatfoetterto pleafe God anddoe his vvill.Hebr.t 3.1 87Prayfor forweareaffurcd that wehastegoodconference in all things defiring to lineha- *elk.2.Cor.t .1 z. Oar reioycing is this .thettilintonie ofoarcoilcience,t hat its pplicitisandgodlyparents,andnot taficaly iriflomewe bane badour connerf4- t4on inthe roorlda /knot:, nothing 6y rnyfelfe. Efa, 3 8, 2. Lord rement- bernow how Ihawwalke4 before thee wtth vprIght heart, and he done that whichle acceptable la thy_fight. I adde thisclaufe,in things,becaufe that obedience v Mai is the figne or fruit ofgood confcience, of which alío it gines unit-I-ionic is generali, íhesving it Idle in all and euery commaundement of god. Philorophers haue laid that lattice is vniuerfall, becau le he whichbath it bath all vertnes. But irismore truely faide of this Cht ifli ri tighteoufheffe or new obedience, that his vniuerfall, and that he which canperforme true obedience in one conunaundcment can doe the fanic in all. Aet. 23.1. Men and bretheren 1 2 1 haue