Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

134 e4 Treat: I haue inallgoodconfience feruedGod till this day. Pfal.I 19.6. Then/hall / not hconfoundedwhenIfhal haue re(J,etC1 rod thycornmandements.Aft. 24.16. In thenneane fajnIendcauosar nyfelfe,or,takemines tohale aconfciencewith. outoffence towards Clodand towards men. This fhewes that there is a great numberofmen profcffing the gofpel: that want good confcience. For though theyfhewe themfelues very tor- wardand willing toobey God inmany things, yet in form one thingor o- ther, theyvie to follow theTwinge oftheir owne wills. Many are diligent to frequent the placeof Gods worfhippe,toheare the wordpreached with Ii- king,to receiue the Sacraments at times appointed, and toapprocue ofany good thing: all this is very commendable; yetthefe men often,when they depart home from the congregation, fay in effe6l on this manner, Religion, flay thouhere at theChurch dote till the next Sabbath. Forifwe looke into their privateconuerfations, the gouernmentof their families, or their dea- lings in their particularcallings, we fhall with griefefeemuch diforder and little confcience. It is a common pra &ife ofticke men when they make their willson their death beds, in thevery firfl place tocommend their bo- dies to thegraue, and their foules toGod that gaue them inhopeof a bet- ter refurreaion: and all this is well done; but afterward they bequeath their goods gotten by fraud , oppreflïon , and forged cauillation to their owne friends and children, without makingany recompence or fatisfa6lion.But alas this fhouldnot be fo : for obedience that goes with good confcience mull be performed to all gods commandements without exception : and if it be donebut tofore alone, it is but counterfait obedience: and he that is guilde in one is guilde in all. As regenerate confcience glues tefhimonie ofour new obedience: fo it cloth altoby certaine fweetc motions fairre men forward to performe the fame.Pfal. r 6.7. c-111 reines(that is,theminds and confcience inlightened by the fpiritof God) teach mein the nightfeafon. Efay3o.22. e...4ndthine Baresfhall heare aword behindethee, hying , Thù is themay, walk.eye in it when thou turnelltothe right hand, andwhen thou turneff to thereft. Now this word is not onely the voiceof Paf}ours and teachers in theopen miniflerie, but alfo the voice ofrenewed confcience inwardly by many fecret cogitations fnibbingthem that are about to finne. AChriflian man isnotonely a prieft and a prophet, but alto a fpirituall king, euen in this life : and the Lord in mercie hath vouchfafed him thishonour,that his c6fciencc renewedwith- inhim fhall be his folliciter toput him in minds ofall hisaffaires and duties which he is to performe to God: yea it is the controller tofee all things kept inorder in the heart, which is the temple and habitation oftheholy Ghofl. The fecondoffice of confcience regenerate is toexesf, that is,tocleare and defend a man euen beforeGod againft all his enemies both bodily and ghofiIy.Pfal.7.8 7ridsethoumc,0Lord,accordm to my righteoufnes,andaea cording to miner.nrrocencre inme. Againe 26.r, 2. fudge me,OLord,for Ihaue walked inmine innocencie, Vic, . Proosae rue, OLord,mnd triome: exam ne my reins