! 3 ..4TeeAtif in them that are giuen to idolatrie and fupertiition. As in the Church of Rome : in which , becaufe inns confciences are infnared and intangled with humane traditions, manyatetroubled for doingthat which is.goodin it felfe, or at theleaft a thing indifferent. As for example: let a priett omit to fay.rnaffe and to fay his canonicall houres, his confcience willaccufe him therefore:thorsgh theomittingofthccanonicallhoutes and ofthe ido. hatróusmafie, beindeede by Gods wordnohnne. The third, is theconfcience which excufeth for doingthat which isc- uil1. This alto is to be found in them that aregiuen to idolatrie and fuper- flition. And there is aparticularexample hereof, Ioh,t6.2. Tts,rhetime¡h4 come that whofotuer b<rllethjoa,willthink! that hedoth Godgoodferstice. Such is the confcienceofPopifhtraptoursin theredaies that are neuer touched at all, though they, intend and enterprife horriblevillanies , and beput to death therefore. The fourth,is that which excufeth for well doing, atfome times,and in force particular aetionsofcarnallwen. When Abitnelech had taken Sarai from ¿braham,God laid vntohim inadreame, iknowthat thoudrddeflthis with an vpright miede, Gen.so.6. This may be teamed 'good : confcience, 7![oratiterho but is indeedeotherwife., or though it doe truly excufein one particular fed t1 laci a5tion,:yet becaufe the man in whome it is, maybevnregencracc and as amrfa put ofChrifì,andbecaufe it dth-a-ccufe in manyother ratters: there: prendida fore it is nogood confcience..(fall the vertues ofnatural' men,are indeede ;card. but certaine ` beautiful( fumes, and their righteoufins but acarnal! righte- oulnes; then the confcienceal toof a carnali man, though it excufe him for well doing, isbut aGarnall confcience. CHAP. IVó. Mans 6rft c 21 ntáutie touching confcience.. cis co get A/f Ans dude concerning confcience is two-fold. Theñrflis,ifhe want od con. 1 good confcience aboueall things to labour to obtaine it: for it isnot secs. gluon bynaturetoany tnan,but comesbygrace. For the obtainingofgoodconfcience,three things muff be procured; m preparation togood confcience, the applyingof the remedie, the rcformar Lionofconfcicnce. Inthepreparation, foure things are required..The firfi is,theknowledge elche law, and the particular commandements thereof, wherebyweare . taught whatisgood,what is badde; whatmay be done, and what may not be done. Themen ofour daies, chat they may haue the right knowledge ofthe law,muff layafide many erronious and,fool.ifhopinions, which they hold flat againfi the true meaningofthe lawof God : otherwife they can neuer be able todifcerne betweene finne andno (inne. Their fpeciall and corn- anonopinionsare thefe : I. That they can loue God with all their hearts, and their neighbours as themfelues; that they feare God aboneall , and main him alone; and that they wet didfo. 11. That toreheatfe theLords prate;,