ofCettfranee. 139 paler, the beleefe,and tenCommandements,(wïthoutvndertandingofchc words,and without affc6uion)is the true andwhole worfhipofGod. IIL That a man may feeke to wizzardsand foothfaierswithoutoffence,becaufe God path prouided a falue for cuery loare. I V. That to fwcare by good things and in the wayoftruth,is not a finne. V. That a mangoingabout hisordinarie affaires at home or abroad on the Sabbath day , may as well fettleGod as theywhichBeare allthe fermons in theworld.VI.That religió and the practife thercof,isnothing butan affectedprecifenes:that couetouf- nes the rooteofcull!, is nothing but worldlines : that pride is nothing but a '. care of honeffie and cleanlines : that tingle fornication is nothing but the tricke ofyouth: that fwearingand blafpheming argue thecontagious mind ofa brauegentleman. VII. That aman may doewithhis owne what he will,and makeas muchof it as hecan. Hence arife all the frauds and bad prastifes in trafficke betweene man andman. The fecond thing required , is theknowledge of the iudiciallfentence of the law, which refolutely pronounceth thata curie is due to man for entry finne,Ga1.3.10. Veryfew are refoluedafthe truthofthis point,and veryfew doe vnfainedlybeleeueit,becaufemens mindes ate pof efled viit acontra.. tie opinion,that though they finne againfl God,yct they lhall efcapedeath and damnation. Dauid faith , The nicked rnan(thatis,eueryman naturally,? Werth himfeife.Pfal.io.3 .and ísemoketh,ileg siewithbellanddeath,l fa.a, r 5% This appeared: alfoby experience. Let the miniflers ofthe gotj el re proouefinne;and denounceGodsiudgementsagainf}it, according to the ruleofGods worde, yet menwill not feare : !toneswill almofa as footle mooue in thewalls,,and thepillars ofour Churches, as the flintie hearts of men. And the reafonhereofis, becaufe their mindes are foreflalled with this abfurd conceit, that they arenot indanger ofthewrath ofGod,though theyoffend. And theopinionofour commonpeople is hereunto anfwea. rable,who thinke, that if they haueagood meaning, and doe no man hurt, God will haue themexcufed both in this life and in thedayof judgement. Thethird,is a hail and feriotes examinatitmof the_con fcience by the laws that we may fee what is our efface before God: And this is adudevpom which the Prophets Band verymuch,Lam.3.40. thanfifferethfor finne: let vsfeatchandtrieersrbeure:t,andtHr:;eageireto theLord. Zeph. 2.1.Panne' yearfeltees, farmsyou,O nttton,,rot worthte to bebeloteed. I n making examina- tion,wemuff fpecially take notice ofrhat whichdoth now lie or may here- after lie vpon the conf.ience. And afterdue examination hath beeneroad, aman comes to a knowledge ofhis finnes inparticular, and of his wretch- ed and miferable efface. When one enters into his houle at midnight, he' findesor Cecs nothingout of order: but let him come intheday time when the finne fhineth;and he (hall then efpie many faults inthe houle,and the very motes that flie vp and downe : fo let a man fearch hisheartintheig- norance and blindnes of hismind,he will flraightway thinke allis welhbut let him once begin to fcarch'hiinftlfewith the light & lantern ofthelaw,& he fhadl