40 A7reatifé thatl finde many fouiecorners in his heart,and heapes offinnes in his life. The fourh,is afarrowein refpe6t ofthe punifhment offume, arifing of the threeformer &ions. And though this forrowe bentsgrace,for it befalls as well thewicked as thegodly:yet may it be an occa (ionofgrace, because by the apprehenfion of Gods anger, we come to the apprehension of his zncrcie.Anditisbetter that confciencefhouldgrecne andwound vs anddo his wont againll vs in this life, while retnedic may be had, then after this lifc,whcnremedie ispall. Thusmuchofprcparation:now fo]iow therecdie and the applicatiö ofit.Theremedie is nothing elfebut thebloode or themerits ofChrifl,who fpecially in confcience felt thewrathof God , as whenhe faid,ra yfcE/eas heasate vntodeath:and his agonie was not Co much a paine and torment in body,as the apprehention ofthe feare and anger ofGod in confcience:and when the holy Gholl faith, that be offeredvnto Godpraiers withprow cries etld mar heardfrom feare, he direftly notes thedif refit- and anguifhof his mofl holyconfcience for our fiinnes.And as thebloodoführitl is an all.fui_ ,ftciencremedie,fo is it alto the alone rerncdQ01311 the foresand woundes ofconfcience. For nothing can lianch orllay-the terroursofconfcience,but thebloode ofthe immaculatelambe ofGod; nothingcan lactsfiethe judg- ment oftheconfcience.much leffe themoil féuere judgement ofGod , but the only fatisfa lionofChria.In the applicatióofthe rernedie,two things are required :che G'ofpedl preached,& faith:the Gofpeil is the hand ofGod, thatofl'ereth grace tovs:and faith is our hand whereby we receiueir. That we indeede by faith rcceiue Chrifl with all his benefits, we muff put in pra6life two leffons. The firtl is , vnfainedly to humble our friues be- fore God for all our wants,breaches,and woundsincoufcicnc-r:which,b`e. ing vnto vs a paradife ofGod,by our default we haue made as it:were a lisle hell within vs. This humiliation is thebeginningofall grace and religion: pride &good confcience can neuer goc togither,1?ud fuch as haueknowe- led; in religion and manyother good giftswithout humniliat,on,arebut van, bridled,vnmortified,and vnreformcdperfons. This humiliation conraines in it twoduties,the firfl is confcflìon ofout finnes, efpeciallyofthofe that ly vpo.nour eonfciences:wherewith muff be ioyned the accufing and con - demningofour fettles: for thenwe put confcience out ofoffice,anddifpatch that labour beforeour God in this life, which confciencewould perforate to our eternal! damnationafter this life.The feconddutie is Deprecation,which is a kinde ofpraier made with groaner and defiresofheart,in which we in- Create for nothing but for pardone ofour finnes,and that for Chrifls fake, till fuck time as the confcienceb. pacified. To this humiliation (landing on thefetwo parts, excellent promiCes of grace and life eueriafling are made.Prov.a8.i3.He that hvdelbhtr /iumes, fhalll not profber:bstt be that confe/feth andforfie%eth them fhallfinde rxercie.r. Job, í.6.7f we ack_no:vledg our linnet , he isfaithful and toll to forgtate vs our fsurrar,,tnd to cJenfs vsfryiza allvvrightecusfues. Lune. a.3g. He.hathflledthe b,aw ;rie