of Genfciestce. Ic}s I.nar rie withgood thrrgs,andfcnt therich empty away.v hichare al o verified by experience in fundrie examples,2.Satnht 2.13. Dauidfaid to Nathan, I lanefinned agaizf! the Lord.findNathan faidto17auid, theLord alfahashput awaythy`flnne.z.Chron.3 3.43.When Mana(esw,t). in tribulatio ;hepraied to the Lordhit God,andkun,blcd himfelfegreat y 6eforethe Godofl isfathers:ard praiedvnto him,:andGodheardha praser.Luk.23.43.And the theefefaid to Ieftu,Lord remembermewhen thou commeft to thy kingdome.Then lefzrdfaid unto him ,verey 1fay unto thee,to day fbalt thou de With me in Paradife.By thefe and manyother places itappeares,that whena mandoth truly hüble hi nfelfe beforeGod,he is at that inti ant reconciled to God,and hath the -pardon ofhis finncs inheauen: and (hall afterward haue the afíurance there. ofin hisowne confcience. The fccond !effort is,when we are touched inconfcience for our 'finnes,, not toyeeldtonaturalldoubtings and 'di(frufl buttorefillthe fame, and to indeauour byGodsgrace torefolue our(clues that the promifes of faluati6 byChrifl,'belong to vs particularly:becaufe to doe thus much,is the very cotfimandement of God.._ The third thing is,the refortnation ofconfcience ; which is,when it cloth Goodcon. ceafetoacculeand terrific,and begins to entcufeand teftifievntovsbythe fcisncea holyGhofl,that we are the children ofGod and haue the pardon of our fruit of fait finnes.And this it will do afterthat menhaue ferioufly humbled thermlues, and praiedearnealy and contlantly with fighes and grones of fpirit for re« conciliation with God in Chrißc. For then theLord will fenddowne his fpi rit into the confcience by a fweete andheauenly tetlimony to allure vs that we are at peace with god. Thus we fee howe 'good coufcience is gotten:and becaufe it is foe pretiá ousa iewell,I with allperfons,that as yet neuerlaboured to get good con(ci- ence,nowtobegin . Keafons to induce men theretomay be thefe :Lyott feeke day andnight from yeare to yearefor honours, riches, and plefures, whichye mullleaue behinde you:tnuch more thereforeought you to fecke for renewedandreformed confciences,confideringthat conscience wilhbe with you in this l :fe,iadeath,at the lafi iudgement,and for euer.Il, He that wants a confciencepurged in the binocle ofChrili, can neuer hatte any 'true and Iaf ingcomfortin this lifc,cuppofe a manaraied in cloathoftifhue,fee in a chaire deflate before him a table furnithcd with all daintieprouifion: his fcruants,Monarches,and Princes; his riches the chiefefl tteafures and kingdomes in theworld:but vvithall fuppofe one handing by,with a naked fword to cut his throate,or avvilde beafl readieeuer and anon to pull him in pieces:now, what can we fayof this mans eflate,but that all hishappinesis nothingbut woe&tmirery?And filch is thee late ofall wenchat abounding with riches, honours, andplefures Carrie about them an mill confcience, which is as afvordtoflaythe Ibule, or as arauenousbeaf},readietoffelte the blood ofthe ioule,and to rend it inpeiccs.I I I . He which wants good cònfcicncecan doenothingbut finne:his very eatingand dvinking,his flee ping