141 e/fTreatrfe pingand waking, and all heBoth , turnes touinne:the confcience muf$ fárit be good,before the aófioncan begood;ifthe rootebecorrtapt,the fruits are antwerable.IV. An mill confcience is thegreatefi enemie a man can haue becaufe it Both execute all the parts ofiudgement againti him. It isch© Lords fergeant. God needs not fende out procefic byany ofhis creatures ,for man:the confciencewithin man willarrefá him, and bring him before ,God.It is thegayler tokcepe man in prifon in bolts and irons, that he may beforth cornuggat the day ofiudgemenr.Itis thewirnes to acculehim the judge to.condctnnehim,the hangmanco execute him , &the flalitings ofthe fireofhell to tormenthim. Againe, it makes a man to be an meanie toGod:becaufeitaccufeth himtoGod,andmakes him file fromGod, as Adam did when he had finnedAlfo he cmkes a man to be his ownecne- mie,in that it Both caufc to lay violent hands vpon himfelfe , andbecome hisowne hangman,orhis owne cut-thrcatc.And onthe contrarie, a good confcience is a mans bet} friend:when all men intreatehim hardly, it will fpeake and faire comfort hiw:itis a continual) fcafl,and a paradife vpon earth.V. TheScripture fheweth that they which neuer feekegood confci- encc,haueterrible ends.Foreirhertheydie biockes asNabaldid;orthey dy defperate,as Cain,Saul,Achitophel, ludas. VI. Wemull con&kr often the terribledayofiudgern.enr,inwhich cuery man mull rcceiue acco:dingto his doings.Andthat we may thenbe abfolued,thebell way is to fecke for a good confcience:forifour confcience be cuill,and condemnsvs in this life God will much more condemne vs.And whereas we mull pall: through three iudgements,;the iudgement ofmen,he iudgement ofour confcience, &the laff iudgement ofGod: we (hall nouer be fircngthened rgainfl them, andcleared in them all;but by the Ceding ofagood confcience. ,.mans re. After that man hath gote roodconfcience, his fecond dune is tokecpe nddude to it.4nd as thegouerning the fhippe on the fea, the pilot holdmgthe hclme' epegood in his hand,hath alwaies an eye to the compafí:;fowe likewife,in the orde.. enicience. ring ofour hues and converfations,m6R alwaies haue a fpeciall regard to confcience. That we maykeepegoodcon1knce, we mull doe two things; atíoi;'e the impediment thereof,andvfeconuenient preferuations. Impediments ofgood confcience,are either invsor forth ofvs.In vs,our owne tannes andcorruptions. When mens bodies lie dead in theearth,there breed certaine wormes in.them , whereby they areconfu-ned . For of the flefhconrethe wormes which confume the fiefh:bucwilt fie we take,grcate heede, out of the finnes and corruptions of out hearts,there will breedsa wormea thoufand foldemore terrible, euenthe worms. ofcetferencethat ne.. tier dieth,which will in a lingering maner waft theeonfcience,thefoule,and thewhole man ;becaufe he (hail be alwales dying and neuet dead.Thefe Cannes are fpecially three; Ignorance, vnmortified-affet4ions, worldly lulls. Touching the firl,namely ignorance, it is a great and rfuall impediment of