Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

Confc.bona pos¡iot cam Prepe,Gtop:c. candi. 44 ATreatifr withGod in Chrifi,for this is theruote ofgood confcience, 2s bath beetle fhewed.Now faith is cherifhed and confirmed by the daily eitcrcifes ofinuocationand repentance; which be, to humbleour Cclucs,tobevvaile & toconfflèour 1nnes to God , to con demne our (clues for them,to prayfor pardone and t#rcngth againil linne, toprife Cod and giuehim thankcs for his daily benefits.Andby thevnfatncd andferious ptafiie of thefe dunes, repentance and faith aredaily renewed and confirmed,The fecond prefer. uatiue is the maintainingofthe riflyteo.vfiieJ ofagood canfcicnee:which righ- tcoufnes(as I haue faid)is nothingelfe but aconflantindcauour and defre toobey thewill ofGod in all things.That this righteoufates may be kept to the ende,wemuff praEtifethree rulcr.Thefiril is,that we are meanie inour heartssapurpofe neuer to finne againff God in any thing: forwhere a pur- pole is ofcommitting any 'front wittinglyand willingly,there is neither good faith nor good coofcience.The fecund is to walk with God as Enoch did,Gen.5.24.which is , toorder the whole courfe of our likes as in the pretence otGod , defiring to approue all our doings cuen vatohinuNow thisperfwafion that wherefoeuer we are, ire doe Itand in the ptefenceof God,is a notable meanes to maintaine fynceritie,ren.i 7.t.1 an, god alt. fuicic ,t,wa1ke before meandbeperfe5.And the wantof th is is theoc cafionof manyotfences:as Abraham Paid, Recauje I rhaarght furely thefears ofGod is not tit tintplace,ahey trillflay mefor mywines Gen . 20.t t .The third tule is,carcfully towalke in our particular callings, doing the duties thereofto the gloryofgo.d,to the good ofthe commonwealth and the edificationof the Church; auoydingtherein fraude ,couetoufnefie, and ambition , which eaufe men oftentimes to fetehere confciences on thetenters, and make them firetch likecheuerill. Thus we fee how goodconfcience maybe preferued. Reafons to induce hereunto are many.I. Godsfiraight commandement, t . Tim , t . t q.Keej'e faith andgood confcience. And Prov.+ 2 3.Keepe thine heart riftthalldiIi ence. 1l.The goodconfcience is the motitender partof the ioule like to theapple ofthe eye;whichbeingpierced by the leait pinne that may be,is not oncly blemilhed,but alto loofeth hisfight.Therefore as God doth to the eye,loe muff we deale with the confcience. God glues to the eye certaineliddsof flclh, to defend and couer it from outward iniuties:and foe muff vve vie meanesto auoyd vvhatfoetter mayoffendor annoy confcience.III;Mani. foldbenefitsredound vntovs by keeping goodconfeience.Firf1 fo long as vve havecare tokzepe it, vve keep and inioy all other gifts ofgods fpirit. Good confcience and the re2 ofgods graces are as a paireot turtled:iues; vvhen theone feeds, the other feedeth ; vvhen the one likeshot, the other likes not;vvhen theone dies, the other dieseto, vvheregood confcience is maintained,there are manyother excellent gifts of God flourifhing: and vvhere confcience decaies,theyallo decaie. Againe good confcience glues alacritie voto vs, and boldnes in calling on Gods name,/ Joh.3 .zr.tforsr ittart eondeeanevt raot,Ilehatse balâges tePoarrds god. Thirdly it makes vspat°ïW Cif