Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

a _ ots/crme. 145 tint in..afflietion, and comfortsvs greatly : andwhenby reafon ofthe grie- nöufñes ofour affliction , we areconfirained to knecle on bothknees and takevp ourcroffe, regenerate confcienceas a fweete companion, or like a goodSimon,laicstoo his fhoulder,andbelpes to beare one ende ofit.Laft- l when nonecan comfort vs, it will be an amiablecomforter and a friend fpeaking fvveetlyvnto vs,in the very agonie andpang ofdeath. IV. Not toprefcrue theconfcience without (pot, is the wayto defperation. It is the pollicie ofthedeuill to vfe meanes tocall the confcience into the flecpeof fecuritie,that hemay the more eafily bring man to his owne defiruction. For as difeafes;ifthey be long neglected become incurable: fo the conk i- ence muchand often wounded,admits little orno comfort. Neither will it alwaies bootea man aftermanyyeares to fayat the laftcaft , Lord be mer- cifull to me,I haue finned. ThoughComebe rccciued to mercic inthe time ofdeath, yet farce moreperifh in defperation,that hue intheir fumes witting- ly and willingly again(}their owne con fcience.Pharao,Saul,and Ludas cri- ed allpeccavr,I haue finned againfl God:yet Pharao is hardened more and moreand perifheth: Saul goethon in his finnesand defpaireth:Iudas made away himfelfc. And nomaruell , for the multitudeof (hints oppreffe the çonfcience, andmake the heart toouerflowe with fucha meafurenfgriefe, that it can faflen no affiance in the tnercie of God. Laftly they that (hall negle61 to keepe goodconfcience,procuremany hurts, and daungers, and judgementsofGod to themiclues. When a fhipr a is on the fea, ifir benot well gouerned , or tftherebe a breach made into it; it drawcs water and finkes:and fo bothmen and wares and all in likelihood arecall away.Now, we allureas paftengers; theworld is an huge fea through whichwe muff paffe: ourfhippe is theconfcience oFeuery man, .Tim. 1.79. and 3.1 z. the wares areour religion and faluation andall othergiftsof6 od, Therefore it 'lands vs in hand to be alwaies at the helmc,and toCarrieout fhippewith as cuesacourfe as poffibly we canto the intendedportofhappines, which is the fafuationafaur fcules.But iffo be it wegrow carelefíe, and makebrea- ches into the fhippeofconfcience,by fuffeting it to dafhvpon the rockesof finne, it is athoufand to one, that we in the ende (hail call away our felues and all we haue. Andin themeane feafon, asconfcience decaies, foproper. tionally all graces and goodnes goesfromvs: gods commandements lze. gin to be vile veto vs; theknowledge thereof, asatfo faith,hope, and the in vocation ofGods name,decay. Experiencefhewc;h that menofexcellent gifts by vfingbadde confcience, loofethem all. Fimo