Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

saxe Pròncifles e."1. All men arevvholiecorrupted withhone through Adams fall, and 4 are become flancs o: Sathan,and guilde ofeternall damnation, Y Allmen are corrupted with finale. Rom.3 1 o. ISit is Written,there i¡ 'lore righteous, nonot one. 2 Theyare whol iecorrupted. 1.The. s.2; Now the verieGodo f peace fanElifieyou throarohout,and f r.r whole .s grit,andfostle,anddodie,may be kept 6lamelej vetoheommágofour Lardlef s Chrfl. EpPsr.4. 17. This ! a fy therfre and tellfe YN thebord, thatyee hencefoorth wakenotate other Gentileswake invanitieo f their minds: ve'xts. teix theircogitat9Drrdarkefed :andbeingoranger¡from the lifeo through the ignorance that is in them,6ecav e ofthehardrief oftheir heart, Gen,6.s when theLord,fars that the suie/ednefof man z asgreat in the earth the imaginations-of the thosghtes ofhis heart wereont .etsill continua,*,pd 3 Through Adams fall. Ro1n,s.1a. Whereforeat`6y oneman,,fnre entredinto theworld, anddeathdyfinrte,aadf® death avent otter allmen.forforuchasadmen hastefinned. 4 And fo are become flaues ofSathan. itphe,z,2. Wherein in time payewalked according to the cottrfrofthe zrorl and,tfte, theprince: hatniiezhi»¡he ciireetten the f fritthat in thechiidre,, efdifobedience._ 11eb.2.14 Fora¡ much thenas thechildren werepartakersof fiefb andblaod $ fefe Itezvife too/epart with them,that hemightdeflroy through deathaJ hq hadthepower ofdeath ,that is,theDeuil. a a-Cor.44 Inwhom the Godofthisworldbathblinded themind¡,thett, o In the light eftheglorious gofpellofChr , which is the image ofGod, UIdn ¡hainevitto them. 1j t 5 Andguihieofeternalldamnation. For as manieat are oftheworkles ofthelaw,ere vnderthe curl?, .Or it is writ- Ga34.10 ten; Ctarfdisetter yman thatcontinrteth notinallthings, which arewrittettin thebooke oftheLaw to doe them Libcwife then as by the oftease, ofone, the liai. flult cameonaui men to condemnation :fobythe in i ix . 3.18 bounded toward alltnento the i:tfi cattostOflife. °fy s®fönethe6eneitea. The thirdPrirctple. 4 `VhatmTanesisthere fortheeto¿ca ethisdamnableet ate? lefus aria the eternal! ConneofGodbeingmade man, bybisdeath `upon the crofl"e and byhis righteoufhes,hathperfelìlie alone byhimtelfe, accompli- - fheda!l things that are needful! for theEluation ofmankind. p Ief us aridthe eternall tonne ofí3od, hóa.%y . Andtheword was madeAlb anddwelt among vs,andwefawn t hegloriethere as the glorievt theonlie legotten (Sonne)o fthe f zther fillofgrace endtrueth. Tltib: r36. 2. Winnmade man. Feriaeinnofirt oohe the Aecels,butbe took! thefiz ofA6raham. 3 By