ofChrilliam Religion. 3 3 By his death upon the croffe. But hewadmoundedfor our tranfgrefons,he wasbrokenfor ouriniquities,tbe Efass chat ioementofourpeacesuasvponhim,and withhis flripeswearehealed. 4 Andbyhis righteoufneffe. For as by onemansdifobediencemangywere made innersfaby theobedienceofRoma. :9;. onefhallmanyalfa bemade righteous. For hebathmade him:obefinforvs which kt.lewnofinthatwe betddbemade z.;Cor.l.zi therighteatafnesofJCodinbarn, s Hath perfeellie Wherefore heis ablealfaperfelily tofacethem,that comevntoGodby him, fee- áieb. 7,a5 Mgbeerier liraeth to make intercefonfor them. 6 Alonebyhimfelfe Neither is therefalwatieninany other,foramongvren thereisgirien ,oneo, Aa.4.zz thernamaTinderheduen,whereby wemuf befailed. 7 Accomplished allthings needfull forthe faluation ofmankinde. Andheis thereconciliationforotsrfi,nne1,andnotforoarson.' alfefor the r . zoh.a,z fansofthewhole world. ThefourthPrinciple. Q.But howmaif1thoubemade partakerofChrift and hisbenefits? 4. Amanofacontrite and humble faithalone apprehending andap plyingChriawith all his meritsvntohimfelte, isiuflifred beforeGod and fan. ¿ified. t Aman ofacontrite andhumble fpirite 1 Forthusfaith he ,.that ishigh andexcellent , bee that inhabited; theeternity, Era, st,t whofename is theholwone ,1 dwellin thehighand holyplace, wishhimalfo that i;of a contriteádhurí.61efpirite,toresin: thefpiritofthe humble , and tosilk life to them thatare ofa contriteheart. ThefacrficesofGodareacontritefpirit,a contriteandabroken heart, OGod, p[al. s r. 17 thentvílt not defife. z ByFaith alone Asfoonear fetus heard that word f aken, hefaid vnto theRuler ofthe Syria- Mark. g ;6 gagne,be not afraid, only belcone. SoMofesmadeaSerpent ofbraj7ç,andfit it vpforafagne, andwbenaSclient Num.zr.9 hadbitten aman,:henhe looked tothe f spent ofbrat feand lined. IoF.3 a4 4nd,as Mofes ftvpthe Serpent in thewildernef e , fomxfl the/onne ofman 10%3 lifted vp, That who faeuerbeleeaet h in him;fho,ldnotperi(h,bast hauteternalllife. Vrrf i s 3 Apprehending and ;applying Chrifi With all his merites veto. hintfelfe. But atmany as re«eiuedhim,to:kern hegaffepower, tobethefonnesofGod, t o Ioh. r. r z them that bcicerieinhisnarne.Andlef ssfaiduntothem ,1amshebreadofl :fe,heY' `o 35 that eotnmethtomePalinothtsfer,&hethatbeleeuetbinmeThalnetterthir .g.