Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

Sixe Prineiples 4 Is iuflified before God, Rom 4,3. Forwhat faith the fcriptare, .sbrabam 6eleeuedGad, and itwas COinted to hirrrfor r . hteouf eje. Ellenws Dauiddecltrrth the blefedr,efeoftheman, vetowhomGodimpr tetá r hreopafreffe,rvithotet wákesflying: Blefiredare they who( iniquitiesareforgtuen,andwholefirrtresarecovered. S And fans&ified. Aû.t s.1 9 Ana' he prat nodrfference6etweene vsandthem,after that byfaithheWpm. rifted their hearts. E .Cora .3o. Bt tye are of him in Chrifi lefits, who ofGodis made veto vs rrifdome and righteakfnefe,and fanThfication andredemption. Thelift Principle. .QWhat are the ordinarie orvfuall meanes for theobtainingoffaith.? A. Faith cornmethonlie by the preachingofthe word, and inceafetbday lie by it : asalto by theadminifirationoftheSacrantents,and prayer. z Faith corn meth onlieby the preachingoftheword, and increafeth daylié by it. Rom,, 0.4 But how /hall they callonhim, in whom theyhaue not6eleemed ,how fl;all they beleests in hiw,ofwhom they hauenot heard :andhowJhall they heare without a Preacher ? ro.z9. , s. Wherethere is no triton thepeopledecay,6ut he that kZeepeth the Law if ó1e f fed. Hof4.3. Mypeopleare de/froyedfor lackofk'otvledge, 6ecaufe than haft refkfdknow.. ledge Iwillalfo refuethee ,that thouJhalt6enopriefl tome, feeingthauhßf forgotten the lawofthyGod,Iwillalfaforget thy children. 2 As altoby theadminiflrationofthefacraments. Rom.4, t :. After herrceiued the fagneofcircumcrfione t hefea!eofthe righteovfise of thefaith , which hehadwhenhewas vncircumcipd,that hej7ould6ethe father ofall them that beleeuenot being circttmcifed ,thatrighteoufnefe might6e im- putedto themalp. Moreoutrbretl mold not thatyefhouldbe ignorant, that allourfatbere wereunder ¡be cloude,andallpaired through thefea,&c, 3 And prayer. R001.10.13 For whofoeuer ¡hagcallzpon thezone oftheLardJhaßbefalsfd, Thefiat Principle. QWhat is the eflate ofafl men after death? 11. All men 'hail rife againe with theirowne bodies, to the lati judgment, which being ended,the godlic fhallpofrefre thekingdome ofhcauen : but vn_ be'eeucrs and reprobates (hall be inhell,tortnerted with the deuill andhis An- gelsforeuer. r And rife againe with their owne bodies. roh.s.28. Alaruell notat thi.oforthe houre(ball cornrr,in the uhich all that are in the graues fha14hearp hisvoice. velf29. 4rtd theyJhatlcor4efeorth¿hat havedonegcod, vntgthe reitrreí`lion eflhfe big