Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ofChri/lian Religion. but theythat hauedone euill,vnto the refurrellionofcondemnation, z To thelafl iudgentent. For Godwillbringeuerit mor%c vátoiudgment, withcreelfccret thing wh .. Eccle.t 2. 14 Cher itbegoodor euill. But ífayvntoyou,that rfcuery idlemordthat menJhafl fpeae , theyfiallgirte Mac t 2.36, account thereofat the dayofiudment.. 3 Which being ended; the godly Anddeliuerediufi Lot, vexedwith thevncleanecoruerfätion ofthewicked, 2 .Pet2.7 Andehe Lord fydvnto'him:gathrough the middeftofthecitte,euenthrough Ezob;c.4 themiddefl oflerufalem,andfet a markypon the foreheads ofthem thatmourns andcrie,for alltheabomiu:srian{ that be done in themiddefl thereof. 4 , fhallpoffefle the kingdom ofGod. ThenfbailtheKingfaytothemonhisrigl ,ehand,Comeyeble ( edofmyother, Mat,2 .34' inheriteye thekingdomepreparedforion,frem thebeginnningoftheworld. 5 But vnbeleeuers and reprobates (hallbee in hell tor- mentedwith thedeuill and his Angels. Thet:Aid! hefay vntothemonthelefthand,Departfrommeye curfed into ea nerlafftngfire ,whichispreparedfor the deuillan,dhis Angels. vet141, The Scriptures for proofewere odie quoted by theAuthor, to moue thee to fearch them : thewordes themfelues I haue expreffed,,a: the earneflrequellofmany,thatthou mailf the more eafilielcä them: ifyyetthou wilt be ignorant , thy malice is euident : ifthou gainea knowledge,glue. God theglorie indoingofhiswill. Thine Tv S.