THE 'EXPOSITION OF THE PRINCIPLES. thefir/lprinciple expo ended; Ckefl ion. Hat is God? A Godisaxfpiríte,orafpiritraalfubTlanee,moft -wife, mot}holie,eternall,infinite. Q`How doeyou perfwade your felfthat thereis.fuch aGod? A. Betides the teflimonies ofthefcriptures, plainrea- Con. will Thew it. Q.Whatis one reafón? bRor.zo A. When I confider v the wonderfullframe oftheworld, methinksthe fl.. Att. lie creaturesthatbe in it could neuer make it : neithercould it 'make itfelfe,ancl . 4»ry thereforebetidesall thefe,the.makerofit muff needsbe God. Euen as whena mancomes into aftrangeCountrey,andfees faire and famptuous buildings,& yet findsno liningcreatures betide there birds &beafls,he wilnot imagine that eitherbirdesorbeafls reared thole burldings,but he prefentlie conceiues that Tome men eitherwere or haue been there. Q`W lrat otherreafon.haue you ? C Tto.z.[ $. e4 c Aman that commits anie (lnne, as murder , .fornication,adulrerie, Caen. ;S. toblafphemic,&&c.albeit hedoth fa concealethematter,that no manliningknow & L3'14' ofit, yet oftentimes bee bath a griping inhis confcience , and feeles the very fiafhingsolbellfire : which isaflrongreaforitofliewthat there is a God, be- fore whole iudgement feat hemutt anfwere. forhis faó. Q`Hoiwmany Gods are there? A, No d morebutone. ,Howdoeyouconceiue this oneGod inyour mind ? cDet[.. t 6. 4.Not e by framingany image ofhim in my minde(as ignorant folksdoe, Amos+ t3 that thin'ce him tobe anoldeman fitting in heauen) but I concciue himbyhis properties and workes. Q. What behis chiefeproperties? frat,., 2.[; e4 Ertl, he is fmaßzrife, vnderflandingall thingesaright, and knowing g Efa.6.3 thereafon ofthern. g Secondly,he is most belie, which appeareth inthathe is xo.zo. s.6 moltiuft and mercifuIlvn tohiscreatures. Thirdlie,he is eternall,h without ei- àa Efa.4 [4. aher beg nningorend ofdayes.Lafjly,he is infinite) bothbecaufe he is prefént i39. 21,in allplaces,andbecaufe he is ofpowerfu íficienttodoewhatfoeuerhekwill. lob.9 4 aTeh.q..z4. lk,A r.. . d t .Cor. 2.6 Dca. Ia. Q_.Whatbe theworkesofGod? 1 ter., o, z. 4. .I The creationoftheworld,and ófeueriething therein , and the prefer- - P.141m3346 uation ofthen3beingcreated byhis f eciallproteider e.