Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ofchr1tanRel iaxr. , QrHowknowyou that Godgouerncth eueryparticular thing in the world . by hkrfpeciallprouidence A. To omitthe m Scriptures,I fee it by experience: n meate,drinke anddo- m att,1(?. thing beingvoideofheat and life , could notpreferuc the lifeofman, vnlefié 3 o. therewere afpeciallprouidenceofGod togiucverttieuntothem.. Prob 26.33 Q. How is this one God diflinguifhed? n Ltuit. z6 e4. U Into theFather whichbcgetteth the fonne : into the Son who is be- Matt.q.q. gottenoftheFather: into theholie Czhafl, i whoprocecdcth from the Father o l .loh f.' and theSonne. Mat.3, i z ThePrincipleexpounded. p1011..15.26 .,Letvs now come to ourfelues,, & firfi teIl.tnewhat is the iaturatcflate: ofman? A. Eueryman isbynatureqdead in finiteas a lothfome carrion,or asadead q Epb.z. r corpslyeth rottingand !linking in thegraue,hauing in him the feed ofall fins. rTim,$.5, QcWhatisfinne? A. Anyrbreachofthelaw of God,ifit beno more but the leaft want.ofthat r t Io1' 9;4 vthich the Law requireth. Rom.?.7 Q,. Howmany fortesoffinare there? A.Sinneis eyther fthecorruption ofnature`, or anyeuilraaions thatpro- fcolor. 3.9, ceedéofitas finites thereof: PUT5.4 . Q. Inwhome isthe corruptionof' nature? A. Inall men,t noneexcepted. Qrinwhatpart ofman isit:?- A. Ineuery *partboth ofbody& fo:ulë,likeas aleprofiethat..runneth from *Ge"6.5 thecrownofthehead to the folcofthe foote. ' anc.523 Shewmehoweuerypart ofinan is corrupted with firne? A. Firfl in th mind thereis nothingbut ignorance and blindneffecon. z. t Got, a, , cerningheauenlymatters. Secondly, the confcience,Jsdefiled;.being alwaies gomsa eitherbenummed with fin,or els turmoyled with inward accufations and ter- y Tit r r 5 tors. Thirdlie,zthewill of manonly wiileth andlu flail after euill. Fourthly,the Ephèf.4. t s a affe&ions ofthe heart,as Ioue,ioy,hope,defre, &c. aremooued and flirtedto Efa`57.zo." that which is mill to imbrace it,and theyareneuer flirred varo that which is Iozdb'hti.2tsa6 z3 good,vnlelk it be tocfchew it. Laflly, the b members ofthe body arc their a cal: ;,zq;_. ilrumemsand toolesofthe mitad for theexecutionofînne bRo.6,19m, Q.4. What beth'ofe cuilïaó1ion5 that are the fruitesofthiscorruption? e4. Euill c thou?kites in themindiwhichcollie eitherby a mans owne con- cGen.6.5. ceiuing,orbythe d fuggeflion°áthe deuili: euillmotions and Mies flirringin d theHeart, and fròm theft arife ruinwards& deeds,when.anyoccafònis'giuen. Aft'. 5.3 z Howcommethittopaffethatallmenarethusdefiledwithfinac? a.cí A. By e Alois infidelitie anddifobedience,in eating the forbidden fruiter rjuen aswe fee great perfonages bytreafon do not only hurt thetnfelues,but al- t s.t9.. ó flainetheirblood,anddtfrace theirpofleritie. VtRPs What hurtcomes tomanby his finite ?