Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

.Fixe Principles fGa1.3. A. f He is continuattic lubie& to the curie ofGod inhis life time,in theend ofhis life, and after thislife. Qyhat is thecurieofGod inthis life ? A. hi g thebody,difeafes, aches,çpaines: in the foule blindnes , hardneffe gDeur za. ofheart,horrororconfcience:ingoods,hinderances,andlollies: in name,igno- 7 minie and reproch :la(ily,in thewhole man,bondagevnder Saban the Prince 66.67 . ofdarkènefl'e. Q_ tülhat mauerof bondage is this? h Hebz.t4 A. Thishbondage is when a man is theflaue ofthe deuil, and hathhim to Lphef z. raigne inhisheart-as his God. z. 2Cor4 4. Q. How maya man know whetherSathan behis God or not? .Luk. r 1.21. .4. He mayknow it bythis,ifheglue obedience tohiminhisheart, and ex- preffe it in his conuerfation. Q;-,And how (halla man perceiue thisobedience? i.:ioh. s .Æ4. A. Ifhe take i delightin thecoilmotionsthat Sachanputs intohisheart,and doe fulfill thebills of the deuil. Q:What isthecurie due to man in the endofhis life? kRom.S. 4 . kDeath, which isthe reparationofbodie and foule. 12 Q,Whatis the curie afterthis life? !GAL! o: 4. t Eternal damnation in hell fire , whereofeueryman is guiltie,and is in Itorn.3.1 o as great daungerof it, as the traytor apprehended is in daunger ofhanging, drawingand quartering. ThethirdPrinciple exponirded, .Q 1fdamnation be the rewardoffinne,then is aman ofall creatures molt miferable. ADogoraToade when they die, all their miferié is ended: but when aman dieth,there is the beginningofhis woe. A. It werefo indeed,ifthere were no meanes ofdeliuerance,but Godbath (hewedhis mercie ingiuing a Sarsiour tomankind. t.. How is this Sauiour called ? mMat.r.zY A. n' lefusC.,hrifl. n.Heb.a,i6. OWhat is IefusChrifi ? Iohn.1. 14. A. The neternallfonneofGodmademan inallthings, eueneinhis lull. OW). 5.7. mities like other men,faueonly in finne. Iríar. t ;. r 8, l. Howwas hemade man voideoffine? p Mat.r, t s ell. Hewas P conceiuedin thewombeofavrrgin,andfantlified by theho. ly Ghoft , at hisconception. ` q 1.Tim.2. .QWhy muff our Sauiour beboth Godandman? e4.He qmull bea man:becaufemanbath finned,and thereforea mancaul r' hfa1.4.5.7. die forPinnetoappeafe Gods wrath : he muff beGodto fuflaine and vphold Luke 4-. I the manhood ,toouercome andvanquifhdeath. Deu. r s.15. Q What be theoffices ofChriP tomakehim analfufficient Sauiour? 13. e.- He is a r Priefl a Pro het aKin Luke t 33. P g. i'tá %.WhyisheaPrieft? Pi.To s