Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ß Chrsfiln ep Keivn. r e/!.` Towarkethemeans offaluation in the behalfe ofmankinde. 4How cloth he noorke themeanes offaluation .? erf. fFirft,bymakingBrrrfaáie tohis fatherfor the finofman: Second. ly,bymaking interceffiofi, Í,zs HOWcloth hemakefatisfiffion? Heb.y,zs 26 e./1. By twomeanes : and the frit isbyoffering afacrifice. Q,What is this facrifice? tChriflhimfelf, asheisman ,conlfìingofbody and fouie, tEfa,Sq,to OWhat is theuAultar? A. Chrifaashe is God, isthe atalttronwhich he.facrificedhimfelfe. `t 3 Hcbb-.t313, to Q`.Who was the Priefl? . . A. None but XChrifl,and that ashe is bothGod and man;. x rich S$6 Q`HoVV oftdied hefacrifice hirnfelfe? A. Neucr but Y once. ; ' yHeb.9.zs . What deathdid he fuffer when he facrificedhimfelt? cil. A death vpon theCro%,peculiar tohim alöne : for z befìdes the fepa- Ìahf,Ì z 3 s' rationofbody andfoule,hc felt alfothepdnges fbell, in thatthe whole wrath Rene, a9.9x S ofGed due to the fumeofman, raspouredforthvponhim. Luk.zz.44 QWhatprofite comineth by hisSacrifice? A. Gods a wrath is appeafedbyit. a i:eb 9, z J._QCould.the fufferingofChrift whichwas but for a fhort rime, counter uaile euerlat?ingdamnation andfo appeafeGods wrath? A. Yea, for feeing Chrifi * fafired God fuffered,though not inhis God- *Aet.zo.z head i and that is morethan ifallmen in the worldhad fuffered for euerand zCor541 6 euer. .QNow tell me theother meanes of f tisfaOio ? A. It is the perfe6fulfilling ofthe lg:r°.y. ., flowdidhefulfillthe Law? A. By b hisperfect rightevuf:es: which conf=(lethoftwo parts, thefirf},the b.i. Cor, T. i4tegritieandpurcne(feofhishumainenature:theother, chis obedience inper- Rom.z,, g forming all thatthe la.we required. Rom.? ,zr, Q`Youhaue (hewed how Chrifi doth makefatisfaRion , tell meelikewife c Ro.s, t s howhe lothMake intercefó t? Rom.4,8 A. He aloneBoth continuallie, d appear before his fatherin heauen,making a Ro.s,24 the faithfull and all their prayers acceptable vnto him,byapplyingofthemerits t Petz.s ofhis ownperfeét fatisfatlion to them. Q.:WVhy is Chria aProphet? cIohn.7.3 eft. To e ret elle vntohis Church thevvay and meanes offàluation, and this Matt. 3. 17 lse dothoutwardly by the minifterie ofhis word,and inwardly by theteaching dinsholy fpirit. q Why ishealtoaKing? fEl.9.7 A. Thatf he might bountifrrllrebellowvponvs,'and coney veto vs all the rirefaid manesoffaluation,. ,How>