Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

tei size Principles li Qt Howdothhe fhewhimfelfe to beaKing? °f gA auo.t o A. In g that being dead and buried, herofefront thegraue, quickened his' Ephe.4. 8. dead bodie,afcendedintoheauen, andnowftteth at the right hand of his Pa.- A. `'9 ther with full powerandglorie inheauen. Q.-Howels? Eid,9.T A. In h that he doth continually infpire and dire&his fernants by thediuine h 3 and powerofhis holyfpirit, according tohisholieword. Q.Buttowhowil this blefí'ed King comunicate altheremeans offaluation? iMat.z®.i 6 A.He i o£fereth themto many,and they arefufficient. to faue all mankind : Z `'` `' but all (hallnot be faued thereby,becaufeby faith theywil not receitiethem. äitih.z.z ThefourthPrincipleexpounded. Q,What is faith? efl. Faith is ak woonderfull grace ofGod,bywhicha mandothapprehend k lob,' .r a. and apply Chrifi,andall hisbenefitsuntohimfelfe. 6.3.2 How dotha manapplyChrif}vnto himfelfe,feein we areon eatth,and ta1.3.2? pP y g Col.z.r s Chrif:I in heauen ? 1 i.Cor. z A. This I applying is doneby a9urance , when aman isverily perfwaded I 2 by theholy fpirit,ofGodsfauour towardshimfelfeparticularlie, andofthe for- Poom.s.a 6 giuenef'e ofhisozone finnes. .HowdothGodbringmen truelietobeleeue in Chrifi? 4. Firfihe prepareththeirhearts,that they might be capableof faith : and Thenheworketh faith in them. Q, Howdoth Godprepare mens hearts? mrue. 1r. e.l.mBybruifingthem ,as ifonewoulde breake an hard (lone topowder: 19 and this isdone by humblingthem. HoÇ6.4'z Qz_Howdoth God humblea man? A. By working in him a fight ofhis fins, and a forrowfor them. QHow is the fight offinwrought? A. By the o Moral! law: the fumurewhereofis the ten commandements. Q._Whatfinnesmay I finde inmy felfe by them? & 7,7,3 A. Ten. QWhat is the fir11 ? a Corn. A. a Tomake fomethingthyGod which is hot God , by fearing it, louing nand. r : it,fo truiting in it more than in the true God. Q. Whatis the fecond? b II. A. hToworfhipfalfeGods,or the trueGod in a falfemaner. QWhat is the third? c III. 4c To difhonourGod inabufinghis titles,word,andworks. What isthefourth? d I I I I. A. dTobreake the Sabboth indoing the workesof their callingandofthe' flefhand in leaningvndone theworks ofthe fpirit. e v. QWhatbe thdfixe latter? t 4 . e/1. To doe anything that may hinder thyneighbours a dignitie, f life chailitie,