ofChriflian Religion: IT chaf}itie, hwealth, i good nanie; k though it bee but inthe fecret thoughts and motions of thy heart , vnto which thou giueft no liking nor con- fent.. gVII. hVIIL X. Qt, Whatis forrow for finite? k X. A. It is I whenamans confcienceis touched witha liuely feelingofGods 1 A&2.37. difpleafure for anyof there finnes : inm fuch wife, that hevtterlydefpaires of 3 tt faluation,in regardofany thing inhimfelfe, acknowledging that he hath de- .Cant. 5.4. In r.Tim.r. 1s Luk.15.27. Ezra. 9.ö.7. ferued fhame,and confuGoneternally. Q._HowBothGodworke this forrow ? By the terriblecurfeofthe law. What is that? . He a which breakes but oneofthe commaundements ofGod, though n Galath.3.. it bebut once inall his life time, and that onely in one thought ; isfiibie6t to end indanger ofeternall damnationthereby. Q_ Whenmens hearts are thus prepared , how dothGod ingraft faith in them ? efi. Byworkingcertaine inwardlrnotions in the heart,whichare the feedes offaith,out ofwhich it breedeth. .Q What isthe firft ofthem ? e4. Whena man humbled vnder the burdenofhis finnes,doth oacknow- oEfay 55=. ledgeand feele thathe 'lands ingreat needeofChrifl. Iohn 7./3.. . What is the fecond ? Luk.I,53. e4. AnP-hungringde ire and alonging tobe madepartakers ofChrift and pReu.2I,6. all his merits. 2 What is the third? A. A q flyingto the throneofgrace from thefentence ofthe law,pricking qHeb.ga 6 the confcience. , How is it done ? A. By r praying, with fendingvp lowdcries forGods fauourinChrifl in r 'Atkasa8 the pardoningoffinne: and with feruentperfèuerance herein, till the deliireof 19. the heart be granted. Matth.t 5. Q; What followethafter all this ? 22.23., A. God then, f according to his mercifull romife lets the poore inner A&s.2z. feele the aflirrance ofhis louewherewithhe touthhim in Chri1},pwhich afru- fMatth.y rance is a liuely faith. Efay 65.z4. Q; Are therediuers degrees and ineafuresoftrue faith ? Iob.33.26, A. r Yea. tRom.t.t7. What is the learn meafure oftrue faith that anymancan haue ? Luk.17.5. A. When amanof ahumble fpirit by reafon of the * littlenesofhis faith, *Efay4z, a. dothnot yet feele the affurancc of the forgiuenesofhis limes, and yet he is Matth77, pe,rfwaded that theyare pardonable,and therefore defireth that theyIbould be 20. ,a.rdoncd,and withhis heart prayeth to Godtopardon them. Lm t7.5 QT How doe you know that filch amanbath fàith?