Si: ,e Pt"a'tit'tpkS xRom.% A. ThereKdefi res &prayers are tefaiinonies oldie1pirit,whofe propertykk to 23.24. flitvpa iongini8c.a lrÑJlir afterheàuenlythings,vaithlighr&;groancsfor Gods Gatath.4.6: fauourandmercie inChria. Now, Y where the fzirit of;;hrifl is, there isChrifl ÿ,,om.4.9. dwelling :& where Chrifi dwelleth,there is true faithhowweake focueritbe. Epici:3.i7. Q. What is thegreatel nteafureoffaith? Rom 8.38 A.When amadaily increafing infaith comes tobeafullyperftnadcdofGods a 39. loue in Chrifl towards himfeifpartictilarly,&.oftheforgiuenes ofhis' own fins. Cant.R.6.7. Q. When flzait aChriffianheart corne to this full affurai:ce ? A b 2;rim. 4. A. Not b at the firfl,but in fornecontinuanceoftime, when he bathbeen 7's' wellprathfedinF\epenttnce; and bath had diners experiencesof Gods loue Pia.. 23,6. , verf.with i unto him inChrifl: then afterthem wil appears in hisheart thealine& ofper, ,3,4,verr.. fwafion : which is theripens c and firength offaith. c Ro.4.20. ,Q` Whatbenefits dothaman receiue by his faith inChrifi? d z.Co2 . A. Hereby d he isita,lifäedbeforeGodand fanhified. 30. QWhat is this tobei:si7ifaédbefore God ? mkt,, 5,9, A. Itccôprehédeth two things:the6rfl,to becleered fr6 thega'iltines&pts asifhment offin the fecond,to be accepted as perfeE ly righteous beforeGod. eRoin.8.3 5 fCol. 1.22. .Pet. 2.21. bZ.Cor.S. 2a. Q How is a mancleered from the guiltines and punifhuzent of his finne? A. By Chrifts f fufferingsand death vpon the croffe. Q_ How is he accepted righteous beforeGod ? A. By the g righteoufiiesofChrifl imputed to him. Q_ What profit comes bybeing thus iutiified ? hRo.4.7.: A. Hereby.haudbydo other mea iesiritheworld,the beleeuer fit all bee 27 accepted beforeGods judgement teate, as vòrthie ofeternafl themerits ofthe fame righteoufne«e ofChriLt. Doe ïotgoodworks then makevs worthie ofeternall, life? A.No:for Godwho is perfc&righteoufnes it felf,wiifind in thebefeworks we k rut :t-. do,more nJolter ofdanatid the' offaluatic:& therforek einuil tazheli cbdemne 2. our feluesfor ourgood wodss,thcnbake tobe iufhficd bcforcGodthereby. tray 64.6 Qom, How,may a imanknow that heis üiflifedbeforeGod ? YOb.9.3. He ncedenotafcend into heauento fearch the fecret counfell ofGod t butrather defc d intohis own heart to fearchWhether be befanchifiedor not. QWhat is it to be fanaified ? r ri. It comprehendethtwo things :. the firfl, -to be purged from thecorrup- tionof his owne nature : the fccond,to be indeed withinward righteoufnes. How is the corruptionofdrone purged ? nRosn.6.4. A. By the ri merits(rpower ofChriasdeath,which being by faith applied, i.Per.4.i.2. is a carafree to abate,confì:ine.and weaken thepower ofall finne. ß f-low is a man inchedwith inherent righteoufneffe? R0.6.5.6. A. Through the o vertue ofChrifls refurreótion,which being appliedby, faith,isasareJie etianetoreuiuea man that is dead in finneto newnes oflife. In ,,,bar partofman is f n61ification wrought? p i.Ttid i 01. In P eucrypartofbodieand íóule. 1 a3ó `Q,Ir ]'linrn.°.3. t.Io6.3.v.