Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ofchriftïinReligion Q. Inwhat time is it wrought ? A. Iris qbegun in this life,in which the faithfull receiue only thefirfffraits q1Lo.s.29r ofthe fpirit,and it is not finifhedbefore theend ofthis life. z.Gor.s.t. Q. What graces ofthe fpirit doe vfually thew themfelues in the heart ofa mañn6itied? rPfal.t t. A. The hatred r of fnne,andthe love ofrighteoufneffe. 18C1 3.l ¢.. What proceeds ofthem ? & ro.3. A. .Reptice,which is la f ètledpurpofe in thehart,with acareful indeuour to liom.7.a kaue al hisfins,& to hue aChrittian life, according toall Gods cómandenaéts. fPfal.u9. What goeth with repentance ? 57.1 t z. A. A continual' fighting anddlrugling again[{the affaultsofa mansovine flefh,againtlthe motion ofthe diuell,and theinticements oftheworld. ,yWhat followeth after a mabath gotta ÿ vi6tory in any taptatiô oraffliótion? Rom. 5. ; A. t Experience ofGods loue inChrifl,and fo increafeofpeace of confci- tR 5.3 enceand by in the holyGhoft. Q Whatfollowes,ifin any tëptatiô he be ouercom,& through infirmitie fat? A. After a while there wil arifeasadlyfarrow,vthich is,whena man is grie- *z.Gor.7.s ued for no other caufe in the worldbut for this onely,that byhis fin hebathdtf- Mat.z6.79 pieafed God,whohath been untohim aaloft merciful' and louing Father. Q What figne is thereofthis forrovv? xx.Pet. a,i9 A. The true figne x of it is this, when a man can bee grieued for thevery dfobedience toGod in his eui11word or deede,thoughhe ihould neuerbee pu- nifhed,and though therewere neither heauen nor hell. Whatfoilowe -s after this fórrow? z.Gor.,. A. Repentance Y 'renewed f efh, t. By what lignes will thisrepentance appease ? z a,Cor.j. e."1. By x feauen. r. A card toléäue tip° finne intowhich he is fallen: z. An- /I* utter condemningof himfeife =for kt, with a craningofpardon. 3. A great an- ger againft himfelfe for his carelefiocs..4. A faare le lift he fhould fall into the fame finne againe. 5. A defireever afterto pleafeGod. 6.Azeale ofthe fame. 7. Reuenge uponhimfelfe for hisformer offence.- Tbefift `Principle e poon'deal Q. What outward tyieanesmua we vfeto obtainefaith-aid allblefiings of Godwhich comaby faith? eil. The preaching a ofGods word, and the adtniniítration of theSacrä- Korn.iorS ents,andprayer`: arth.zs. ,Where is the word ofGod tobe found ? 2R .A.Thewhole wordofGodneedful to faluatiö is fet down in holy i°criptures. QHow knowyou that Nei Scriptures are theweird ofGad&not maspolicies? A. Tamof firedofit. Firít,b becaufe the holy Ghof lperfwadeth my confct- b ence that it isfo.Secondly,T fee itby experiace:for the preachingofthe e Scrip= 3 Lureshaue thepowerofGod in tha tohumblea mars, when they are preached, and tocall him downe to hell &afterward to relive or and raifehimvp againe. . 13 o Q\A7hat .. 3